Reverse taoist buddhist breathing exercise explained ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Reverse breathing is a technique derived from Taoism that helps fight stress and anxiety in order to feel better about your body.

There are exercises that allow you to master this breathing well, as some athletes or masters in martial arts do.

Reverse Taoist Breathing

Reverse Taoist Buddhist breathing has several effects on your body.

The first is that it relaxes your organs and the second is that it works your most hidden abs, so it's great for the line.

However, it is not a natural method of breathing but with practice it is very easy to massage internal organs.

But it should not be abused either.

This breathing technique frees the diaphragm (muscle separating the thorax from the abdominal cavity) and thus opens the rib cage when we breathe in.

By doing this, you stretch your diaphragm up when you breathe in and when you breathe out it pushes down which has the benefit of increasing the range of breathing.

You will therefore have a better breath and it allows the toning of the abdominal area and the intestines.

Reverse or abdominal breathing?

Since this is not our natural method of breathing, we must practice it by following a few rules that we will see.

But first of all, it should be remembered that you must follow these tips because otherwise it can be dangerous for your health.

First step: you sit or lie down, inhale as deeply as possible through your nose, tucking in your belly.

Imagine that you have to move your organs below your ribs.

Breathe in by contracting your perineum.

Second step: you hold your breath for a few seconds like when you do apnea.

Then breathe out through your mouth making a contraction of your entire abdominal wall, as if you were pulling out your stomach.

This might seem a bit complex at first, so you can put both hands at your stomach to make sure it goes under your ribs when you inhale.

You have to do this several times in a row to feel the effects.

Over time, you will be relaxed more quickly and you will have more toned and muscular abdominals.

This breathing technique is very often used in martial arts and also in meditation and relaxation exercises such as yoga.

Choose diaphragmatic breathing with the belly

Practicing a reverse Taoist Buddhist breathing exercise to massage internal organs, strengthen the perineum, and relax the diaphragm can be helpful from time to time.

However, your 24-hour permanent breathing should be diaphragmatic breathing with the belly to promote good oxygenation of the body, blood and brain.

So you must learn to breathe well before practicing the reverse breathing of Taoism.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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