How to breathe well 24 hours a day to reduce stress and anxiety? The ultimate guide
Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.
The following text corresponds to my official ebook on Intermittent Breathing, a $29 value. I offer it to you as a gift. If you prefer to read it in PDF format, click here to download it.
You are about to discover an incredible method that can transform your life.
Think about it, the quality of your life depends only on two basic parameters: your energy level and your stress level. In fact, they are intimately linked.
The less you're stressed, the more fit you are.
The more you’re stressed, the more tired you are.
Intermittent Breathing will allow you to handle these two variables to offer you the best possible experiences in life (more energy and less stress).
If Intermittent Breathing makes you think of intermittent fasting, you're right, except that Intermittent Breathing is a 100 times more powerful than fasting!
Why? Well, while intermittent fasting simply manipulates your food intake, Intermittent Breathing manipulates the most important element of your life second by second: oxygen.
If Intermittent Breathing makes you think of Intermittent Hypoxic Training IHT, you are also right, but as you will discover, my approach is completely different and much more powerful because you will directly manipulate your breathing rather than using a mask, a aunt or altitude training.
So sit comfortably, breathe calmly, and take the time to appreciate and integrate the valuable information that I will explain below. Along the way, you will discover a truly powerful ancestral method to definitively overcome your stress (and I stand by my words). Let's go!
How to breathe well: From hell to paradise on Earth...
Hello, my name is Loris Vitry.
I am Yoga Therapist and breathing coach. For several years, I have led one-to-one sessions, workshops, and online trainings where I teach thousands of people to take control of their lives (more energy and less stress ) by controlling what gives them life second by second: their breathing.
Even though today I feel fully happy and fulfilled on all levels (physical, emotional and mental), this has not always been the case...
A long time ago, I had to face many challenges that life offered me.
As a child and teenager, I had many health problems, and I grew up in a climate of stress and depression.
Emotional trauma cradled my life.
Life has clearly forced me to choose: to evolve or to suffer... This is what it does to all of us!
The survival instinct quickly pushed me into the world of personal development with its many tools and opportunities.
Hungry for evolution and freedom, I have experienced them all.
They all had an interesting effect on my everyday well-being, but only one of them changed my life forever...
🔥 Intermittent Breathing!
You came into the world by taking a first breath and you will leave it by making your last breath.
Between these two points, the quality of your life will depend on a single factor: the quality of your breath, because it is she who keeps you alive, breath after breath.
By working to make my breathing more and more subtle, by taking great care to erase the emotional trauma that has blocked my breath in the past, by giving it my most benevolent attention to make it calm and relaxed, by pushing the boundaries of my breath to make it stronger and more powerful...
I literally turned my whole life into an experience of freedom, happiness, strength, and fulfillment staff that no other outside element has ever offered me.
Money, the love of a partner, success and notoriety, physical appearance, or even family ... none of it will make you truly free and happy.
On the other hand, by releasing the power behind the seeming simplicity of your breath, excellence in all areas of your life is inevitable. This will happen regardless of your external success ... because internally, you will have already succeeded!
Here is an introduction to the incredible power of Intermittent Breathing, to which I bowed with respect and to whom I devote my eternal gratitude for healing my body, my heart, and my spirit.
Through this official guide, I will introduce you to this personal development tool of incomparable power.
It is a technique that no other tool will be able to surpass, if you understand its operation and the impact on your body and your mind (it's not a pill to swallow, but a real inner journey that requires conscious effort).
✔ So if you want to permanently eliminate your stress, your chronic anxiety, your anxiety attacks, your panic attacks, your fears, in short ... all your emotional and psychological suffering (which ultimately lead to physical suffering), sit comfortably and focus all your attention, because we are about to immerse ourselves in the heart and physiology of our very surprising breathe.
How to breathe better with Intermittent Breathing (what is it exactly)
As the name suggests, Intermittent Breathing is a practice of adding pauses (retentions) for a few seconds in your natural breathing rhythm.
This is exactly the same principle as intermittent fasting, which consists of introducing food breaks into your daily rhythm. But if small short fasts (a few hours) has a powerful beneficial effect on the body and mind, short breathing pauses (a few seconds) will have SUPER-POWERFUL effects on your entire body!
Obviously, it's not about choking yourself by stopping breathing for several minutes, but it's a matter of smartly instituting breaks (retentions) of a few seconds in your natural breathing cycle.
The secret is that they must go completely unnoticed and not disrupt your current breathing, much as a occasionally short fast does not create stress and damage your metabolism.
These breathing pauses are going to have two major physiological effects which have the power to transform your body and mind.
1) Increase your energy (metabolism)
On the one hand, a breathing pause will force your cells to work for a few seconds in anaerobic (oxygen-free) mode.
As such, we are literally doing apnea for a few seconds. When you resume your normal breathing in aerobic mode (with oxygen), your cells will absorb a lot more oxygen (compensatory effect), which will boost your energy metabolism for several minutes.
In sports, we talk about "afterburn effect," which burns maximum calories after a short and intense workout (HIIT) that activates the anaerobic (oxygen-free) mode.
For comparison, cardio training (aerobic mode with oxygen) does not increase your metabolism because it does not cause this "afterburn effect," which is only activated after a short and intense training mode anaerobic (without oxygen).
In other words, you must breathe less (apnea or HIIT) during a specific window of time to benefit from the rebound effect ("afterburn"), which can seriously increase your oxygenation.
This is exactly the effect generated by the breathing pauses of Intermittent Breathing.
🔥 Better oxygenation of the billions of cells that make up your body will allow you to find ALL your energy!
2) It will also eliminate your stress (hyperventilation)
On the other hand, a breathing pause (for a few seconds) is the most powerful weapon in the world to permanently eliminate your stress (anxiety disorder, panic attack, depression, etc). Physiologically, stress necessarily corresponds to hyperventilation (increase of pulmonary ventilation) and to palpitations (increase of heart rate).
In other words, stress makes you breathe more oxygen (mild or intense hyperventilation depending on the intensity of stress) and makes your heart beat faster.
PS: You have probably never noticed that you breathe more during a stress experience because your hyperventilation is imperceptible (except in the case of anxiety attack, where it is clearly visible).
It's your reptilian brain (the animal part of your brain) that manages your stress response (also called "fight or flight"), which means that it also manages your heart rate and your breathing.
By voluntarily pausing your breathing (retentions), you will breathe less and you will completely disable the cycle of hyperventilation caused by stress. Soothe your reptilian brain by forcing it to turn off its stress response.
In other words, by voluntarily stopping the hyperventilation generated by your reptilian brain in moments of stress, you automatically disable the entire physiological response to stress.
By bypassing the cycle of hyperventilation, your body remains peaceful despite the stressful situation as you eliminate all the unpleasant symptoms of hyperventilation ( throbbing, trembling, sweating, high blood pressure, difficult breathing, etc. )!
It is well known that calm breathing can relax you and relieve stress and anxiety, but calm breathing is basically like breathing less (but better), hence the interest in voluntarily using respiratory pauses to stop your hyperventilation (if it is light and imperceptible) to disable the stress response of the reptilian brain.
In a way, you calm your inner animal by simply controlling your breathing.
You must understand that stress causes hyperventilation.
Similarly, hyperventilating voluntarily or unconsciously also generates stress.
By voluntarily instituting respiratory pauses (retentions) with Intermittent Breathing, you can stop your hyperventilation and eliminate your stress and all associated symptoms (see graph above).
🔥 It’s as simple and powerful as that!
Here are the Two Pillars of Intermittent Breathing:
1) Increase your metabolism (energy production) due to the "afterburn effect," which will better oxygenate your billions of cells
2) Eliminate all your stress and anxiety by stopping the negative cycle of hyperventilation triggered by the reptilian brain.
While others:
- exhaust themselves at the gym (HIIT or cardio) to increase their metabolism;
- handle their diet extremely (diets or daily intermittent fasting);
- take tons of supplements to stimulate themselves artificially and temporarily;
- do bad breathing exercises to calm down (hyperventilation or excessive deep breathing);
- do unsuccessful hours of meditation that have no profound and lasting effect;
…you will be slowly increasing your metabolism (energy production) while becoming more and more calm and relaxed (zero stress).
By simply and intelligently manipulating your breathing.
As you will soon see with the basic exercise of Intermittent Breathing, the soothing effects are almost instantaneous si vous le faites bien if you do it right (as I will show you in my method).
So here's the power of Intermittent Breathing: more energy and less stress in the long run!
The ancestral origin and the absolute goal of Intermittent Breathing
As much as I developed the concept of Intermittent Breathing as well as a complete method to practice it intelligently and effectively, the practice of respiratory pauses (retentions) have existed for millennia.
This practice came down from the great and powerful yogis of old, who created a complete discipline to perfectly handle their breathing.
This is "Pranayama," a term for the breathing exercises of Yoga.
"Prana" means "breath of life" and "Yama" means "control." In some Yoga schools, we will talk about "Ayama" which means "expansion." Control and expansion of breathing, that's the secret of the yogis.
Intermittent Breathing is neither more nor less than Pranayama, i.e., an exercise to control breathing. (It is also expansion because you increase your breath and your respiratory endurance).
But as you will soon discover, Intermittent Breathing as I conceptualize it uses no traditional yoga exercises, but rather a much more modern approach to breathing that is accessible to the general public.
While traditional Yoga is meant to be mystical (secret and hidden) and esoteric (reserved for qualified followers), Intermittent Breathing is meant to be clear and accessible to everyone, even those who feel like they are too stressed to be able to help themselves!
At the time, the yogis practiced intermittent breathing day and night by instituting breaks and retentions with only one purpose.
They sought to eliminate ALL of their stress by taking control of their very powerful reptilian brain that precisely manages the physiological response to stress (palpitations, hyperventilation, unpleasant symptoms, etc.).
For your information, your reptilian brain (animal and unconscious part of the brain) manages:
- all of your stress responses (fight or flight reactions), which is why you breathe more (hyperventilation) and why your heart beats faster in moments of stress, anxiety and fears
- all of your primary animal fears (fear of missing out, being rejected from the group, dying, etc.)
- all of your abnormal psychological fears (phobias) resulting from emotional shocks from the past
- all of your primary desires (eating, drinking, sleeping, sexualizing, socializing, etc.)
If you think you're free and have a choice every day, it's just a beautiful illusion because each of your thoughts and actions are manipulated in the shadows (subconsciously) by your very powerful reptilian brain.
You are constantly acting according to your fears and your unconscious desires.
The yogis understood this at the time. That's why they constantly soothed their breathing to calm their reptilian brain to become masters of themselves again!
In other words, they wanted to manage all their fears and all their unconscious desires, but above all, they wanted to eliminate all of their conditioning inherited from the past (unconscious fears, traumas and emotional shocks, experiences from parents, education, conditioning of the society, etc.).
They did this to finally become free and fully happy!
The ultimate goal was to eliminate stress, anxiety and fears!
In the ancient texts of Yoga, it is said that a man who perfectly masters his breath no longer fears death.
This man has simply disabled the primary fears of his unconscious reptilian brain, nothing more and nothing less. And the most powerful fear of the reptilian brain is the death of the body, which explains our powerful survival instinct that is managed by our reptilian brain.
Intermittent Breathing is the most powerful tool in the world to eliminate stress at the source .
Indeed, by voluntarily and smartly instituting respiratory pauses, you disable hyperventilation and therefore ALL the stress of the reptilian brain.
So, as ancient Yoga texts say, when you the process to the extreme as yogis do, you no longer fear death itself...
More commonly, this means that you become completely Zen regardless of the stressful situations you are going through.
When the absence of stress and fear are permanent, the yogis call this state the Samadhi.
The Buddhists call it Nirvana, and the Buddha speaks of the disappearance of all suffering.
Even Jesus speaks of paradise on Earth.
In short, Intermittent Breathing eventually turns off all your stress at the source itself—in your very powerful reptilian brain.
In addition, as stress is the antagonism (adversary) of metabolism (energy production), by deactivating their stress the yogis were able to increase their energy metabolism to a level unknown to ordinary mortals.
Pushed to the extreme, yogis simply fed on oxygen (a practice called pranism).
Without going into these extremes, Intermittent Breathing will simply allow you to seriously increase your energy level because you will eliminate all of your stress.
🔥 More energy and less stress just by breathing properly...
Frankly, is this not the most powerful ability you can develop? Rest assured, I will soon teach you the basic technique of Intermittent Breathing (and this will be totally exclusive; you will not find it anywhere else).
Honestly, do you want to:
- waste your precious energy while exhausting yourself in a gym?
- constantly manipulate your thoughts to artificially motivate you or temporarily fight your fears?
- waste your money on supplements of all kinds to whip you like a tired horse to run faster?
- practice bad breathing exercises that have only temporary and sometimes even completely negative effects?
Wouldn’t you rather regain control of your energy by eliminating all your stress by simply going directly to the source?
That is by directly soothing your very powerful reptilian brain, the one that pulls the strings and manages your entire life in the shadows.
Your reptilian brain is your unconscious brain, unlike your neocortex which is your conscious brain (thinker).
If we had not told you about it, you would not even know it exists.
You would simply be aware of your thoughts, but your conscious thoughts are only the projection of your unconscious world (reptilian brain).
If your animal brain is stressed, your thoughts will be constantly agitated and negative.
But if your animal brain is at peace thanks to Intermittent Breathing, your thoughts will calm down so you can finally appreciate the present moment, the life unfolding before your eyes and not the illusion that you have in your head.
If you only faced this one challenge in your life, it would free you from the unconscious grip of your very powerful reptilian brain to finally become free and happy.
I'm going to reveal a truth that can be hard to swallow:
The life you have today ...
The loving partner with whom you live (or the single life you think you have chosen) ...
The career that you have worked so hard to build (or the job you just can’t seem to find) ...
The friends you love so much (or the lack of companions in your life) ...
All of it is manipulated every second by your unconscious fears and therefore by your supreme reptilian brain.
And unfortunately, the more you live under its influence, imprisoned as a slave, the less energy you have. The more you free yourself from the fear and stress of your inner pet (reptilian brain), the higher your metabolism (energy) increases.
It's that simple!
And your one and only option is the conscious and intelligent practice of Intermittent Breathing—that is, manipulating your breathing with finesse to breathe less (but better).
This is the only way to disable the cycle of hyperventilation from your reptilian brain and eliminate your stress in order to live in peace. You have no other choice ...
Neither food, nor exercise, nor NLP (change of thoughts), nor prayers, nor relationships, nor sex, nor even money will soothe your inner animal and the unconscious stress it generates (hyperventilation). Only the way you breathe will make a lasting difference.
Properly oxygenate your billions of cells to increase your metabolism
Metabolism is the set of internal processes that transform air, water, and food into energy. The higher your metabolism, the more energy you produce. To be more precise, your energy is produced inside your billions of cells.
In diet and sports, we often talk about the metabolism as the number of calories spent. Indeed, the higher your metabolism, the more calories you burn.
Your metabolism is the transformation of your food (meals or fat reserves) into energy. And the element that will "burn" and transform your food is the oxygen brought by your breath.
To simplify it even further:
- you eat (intake of external fuel) or you fast (consumption of fat reserves)
- you breathe (oxygen burns and transforms fuel)
- and you produce energy (cells produce energy molecules called ATP, adenosine triphosphate).
But here is the ultimate secret of your metabolism: your energy production depends only on one factor: your level of oxygenation.
🔥 The more oxygen you have, the more energy you produce, no matter what you eat!
Oxygen is an oxidative molecule, a highly flammable gas that burns and oxidizes matter.
For example, oxygen is what makes iron rust and what darkens and rots an apple cut in two.
But it is also oxygen that burns your food, your excess of fat, or your intra-cellular toxins.
Millions of people fall into the trap of believing they have found the ultimate diet to improve their energy, health, or longevity.
But sorry to disappoint you, it is only the level of oxygenation that will determine the power of your metabolism, i.e., your amount of energy.
Millions of people are on restrictive diets, eliminating entire categories of food, fasting daily (intermittent fasting), or eating at will without worrying about their health, but all those who handle their diet often go on to suffer the same problems of energy and stress ...
Why ?
They have forgotten the essential part of optimal metabolism: the oxygen brought by their breathing.
But beware!
Do not fall into the other trap and make your life all about exercise.
Of course, exercise improves your oxygenation, but you end up becoming addicted and you enter another vicious circle which will lead you to exhaustion.
To feel good (increase your energy and decrease your stress), you will need your daily dose, your drugs, your exercise, your chosen sport.
The day you stop (by exhaustion or injury), you feel awful and fall into fatigue. You get stressed and gain weight.
As much as I strongly advise against extreme sport (in particular cardio-training), I advocate simply being active all day (low intensity) because it generates no stress.
But beyond physical activity, the ultimate solution to better oxygenate yourself is obviously to breathe better.
Why not start right now to improve your oxygenation by breathing better?
Why do not you start breathing well right now to increase your oxidation capacity and therefore your ability to burn your food, fat stores, or toxins?
Why don’t you learn to breathe properly today to instantly increase your energy level and decrease your stress and anxiety level?
🔥 I'm going to share a little bit about my experience: all my life, I've been trying to increase my energy and reduce my stress by manipulating my diet and playing sports.
It NEVER worked in the long term. I went from method to method until I realized I was missing out on the most important factor for optimal metabolism and a happy life: good breathing.
Honestly, how long have you been trying to regain control of your life by exercising or playing sports or paying attention to your diet?
A good diet is certainly important! Being physically active is too!
But it's your breathing that's the most important! You will NEVER get all your energy, you will NEVER reduce your stress, and you will NEVER get that body you dream of if you continue to hyperventilate (stress) ...
If you want to continue your diets, your intensive sports sessions, your breathing techniques that make you hyperventilate, or your fashionable supplements, you can stop reading this guide now and continue with your illusions. You will come back in a few years when you are completely exhausted ...
On the other hand, if you have finally realized the extreme importance of a good breathing to increase your energy and completely disable your stress, if you understand that the secret is to take back control from your powerful reptilian brain, then it's time to get to the heart of the matter and to address the secrets of breathing.
After sharing with you a brief overview, I will teach you the basic technique of Intermittent Breathing, one that will instantly revolutionize your metabolism (more energy and less stress).
Less than 5 minutes of practice will be enough to disable your hyperventilation and ALL your stress and anxiety!
🔥 You will be very surprised by the hidden power of Intermittent Breathing ... 100% of the people who tried it adopted it entirely!
The surprising secret of optimal oxygenation: breathe less (but better)
Before optimizing your metabolism (more energy and less stress) by practicing the basic technique of Intermittent Breathing, which consists of breathing less by breathing pauses (retentions), you must first understand the physiology of respiration and more precisely that of oxygenation.
If you want to practice breathing techniques without understanding anything, there are tons on the Internet.
But before practicing Intermittent Breathing, I want you to learn and understand how you will impact your body (physiology). Through Intermittent Breathing, I want to learn about your body rather than simply practice blindly.
So here's a diagram to get an overview.
Red path (to the right of the image):
When you inhale, the oxygen passes through your lungs, through the lung alveoli (small sacs in the lungs), to land in the blood (arterial network). Oxygen is then stored and transported by your red blood cells (hemoglobin).
Then, depending on cellular needs, the oxygen will be distributed in the cells producing the most CO2 ( carbon dioxide [CO2] is the complementary gas to oxygen [O2] ).
This is called the Bohr effect, a physiological phenomenon discovered by the physician Christian Bohr, who says that oxygen O2 is attracted to the cells richest in carbon dioxide CO2.
Oxygen is released only in cells where CO2 production is high.
If the CO2 concentration in your cells is insufficient, the oxygen will loop indefinitely in your bloodstream without ever being released anywhere.
What you need to know is that CO2 is produced only in an active cell.
It is the cellular activity that produces CO2, which automatically attracts oxygen.
In other words, the more active you are, the more CO2 you produce and the better the oxygenation of your billions of cells.
This explains why a sedentary lifestyle leads to fatigue, stress and anxiety.
Your cells (body) do not produce enough CO2 (lack of activity), which deprives them of oxygen (making the Bohr effect impossible).
The first quick fix is to be more active daily (without falling into the trap of excessive exercise).
The second, most powerful, and effective solution is to have a perfect breath that generates enough CO2 at the cellular level (which is precisely what Intermittent Breathing does).
Blue path (to the left of the image):
Once oxygen arrives in the active cell (which produces enough CO2), oxygen oxidizes and burns the material in it.
It may be the meal you have just eaten (macro-nutrients such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates) or it may be your fat reserves if you have not eaten for several hours.
It could also be intra-cellular toxins (detoxification). But whatever happens, it's always oxygen that oxidizes and burns matter to produce heat and energy (ATP).
This cellular activity (metabolism) generates CO2, the excess of which is released into the blood (venous return different from the arterial network) and is then expelled on exhalation by the lungs.
For example, if you run, you produce more CO2 and improve your oxygenation (Bohr effect).
Your breathing will also accelerate to expel excess CO2 (cell activity increases).
But the secret of Intermittent Breathing is that you can produce more CO2 without doing any exercise, but just by breathing properly (breathing less).
You do not have to depend on exercise to oxygenate yourself, because you cannot do it 24/7.
On the other hand, you can have good breathing second after second.
So here is the whole process of breathing.
Now, there is one detail I will insist on because it is really the secret of good oxygenation and especially the secret of Intermittent Breathing.
You must know that your blood is permanently saturated with oxygen.
Unless you have severe lung disease, the oxygen saturation in your blood (arterial network) is permanently about 96 to 100%! Mine, yours, your neighbors, your children, your parents, we all have maximum oxygen saturation in our blood.
Millions of people believe that you have to breathe more to get more oxygen. In appearance, it seems logical, yet the opposite is true—you have to breathe less (but better).
In truth, you can breathe hundreds of liters of oxygen per minute, hyperventilate to the maximum, run for hours, do sprints, HIIT, deep breathing exercises, connect 24/7 on an oxygen mask—in short you can breathe as much oxygen as you want, but your oxygen saturation in the blood will always remain at a maximum of 96% to 100%!
Surprising, isn’t it?
If you have any doubt about this, I invite you to measure yourself your oxygen saturation using an oximeter (available in pharmacies).
Then do all your breathing exercises or even your exercises at the same time. You will find that your oxygen saturation will always remain maximal, between 96% to 100%!

To decrease your oxygen saturation in the blood, you must stop breathing (apnea) for at least one minute and 40 seconds!
Oxygen is the most important element to for life, so be assured that your body has stored enough to fill any gaps.
It is your red blood cells (hemoglobin) that store oxygen, and you have about 100 seconds of reserve as shown in this graph (Laurino 2012).

As you can see, breathing more (hyperventilating) will not change your blood oxygenation.
On the other hand, the saturation of oxygen in the blood (arterial network) is maximal for everybody, just as the cellular oxygenation is completely different from one individual to another.
Cellular oxygenation is precisely the secret of your metabolism. The more oxygen you have in your cells, the stronger your metabolism and the higher your energy!
We all have maximum oxygenation in the blood, but why do we all have different cell oxygenation?
What is the element that differentiates us all?
CO2 concentration in our cells (i.e., cell activity)!
I have already spoken about the Bohr effect, but to recap, the more a cell produces CO2, the more it attracts oxygen and the more energy it produces.
You can have maximum oxygenation in your blood, but if your cells do not produce enough CO2, the oxygen will loop in your blood, which will deprive your billions of cells of the precious oxygen needed for energy production.
The secret to optimal cell oxygenation and metabolism is therefore to increase the CO2 concentration in your cells.
And as you will soon discover, it is important not to breathe more (hyperventilation) because it decreases your concentration of CO2 in your cells, which therefore decreases your oxygenation and causes all the symptoms that we have seen above (throbbing, trembling, sweating, high blood pressure, blocked and difficult breathing).
Breathing more causes more stress (cycle of hyperventilation).
And breathing less STOPS hyperventilation because it increases the CO2 concentration in your cells, which increases your oxygenation and eliminates all the symptoms of hyperventilation (stress) (your body and your mind stay perfectly calm).
🔥 Breathing less eliminates stress and anxiety, disabling the hyperventilation cycle.
Intermittent Breathing and the introduction of respiratory pauses (retentions) have a very precise physiological effect on all of your cells: they increase the concentration of CO2 in your cells (anaerobic mode without oxygen), and therefore your oxygenation ( Bohr effect & afterburn effect), and therefore your energy production (metabolism).
By breathing less, you increase your energy. More CO2 means more oxygen with the Bohr effect, which means more energy.
Warning: Pay close attention to so-called breathing specialists who ask you to hyperventilate to better oxygenate your body.
Unfortunately hyperventilation decreases the concentration of CO2 in your cells and therefore your oxygenation (Bohr effect).
These same specialists will also tell you that CO2 is a toxic product that must be disposed of.
I even read on a popular yoga site that CO2 is a poison that the body does not need at all ... It's the pinnacle of ignorance!
It is very important to know the physiology and the functioning of the human body.
Of course, excess CO2 is toxic, but in a good concentration, CO2 is absolutely vital for the body because it is the key to oxygenation.
Without CO2, oxygenation and life would be impossible.
Thus, you have understood that to oxygenate your billions of cells and increase your metabolism (energy), it is important not to breathe more (hyperventilation), but breathe less by introducing respiratory pauses (retentions). This is exactly what is offered by Intermittent Breathing.
Read on to learn the basic technique.
🔥 Intermittent Breathing = Breathing less (but better) = More energy (increasing CO2) = Less stress and anxiety (stopping hyperventilation).
Your energy quantity (and the absence of stress) depends only on one factor: your CO2 tolerance
Increasing your CO2 concentration is the physiological goal of Intermittent Breathing.
When you instill a breathing pause (retention) of a few seconds, the CO2 level of all of your cells increases (they activate), which attracts more oxygen (Bohr effect) and fires up your metabolism (you burn everything and produce maximum energy).
In parallel, instituting a respiratory pause (retention) for a few seconds will gradually disable the cycle of hyperventilation and disable all stress at the source itself, in your reptilian brain.
But you cannot stop breathing at will!
These breathing pauses (retentions) as well as the level of CO2 generated in your cells (cellular activity) have limits!
This limit is precisely set by your CO2 tolerance threshold (managed by your reptilian brain). In other words, this CO2 tolerance threshold corresponds to your metabolic capacity ...
The higher your CO2 tolerance threshold, the LESS you breathe, the longer your breathing pauses, the more CO2 you accumulate, the more oxygen you get, the more energy you produce, and of course the more you clear your stress and anxiety (hyperventilation) .
The lower your CO2 tolerance threshold, the more you breathe (hyperventilation), the shorter your breaks between breaths, the less CO2 you accumulate, the less oxygen you get, the less energy you produce, and of course, the more stressed you are (you are caught in the cycle of hyperventilation).
To better understand, let's take a look at the physiology of inhalation and exhalation to discover another secret of breathing.
When you inhale, breath after breath, the oxygen saturation in your blood (arterial network) remains maximal.
As we have already seen, you can hyperventilate (breathe more) and do all the breathing techniques of the world, but it will not change anything your blood will always be saturated with oxygen (96% to 100%).

On the other hand, when you inhale, you decrease the concentration of CO2 in your blood (arterial network).
When you exhale, the CO2 concentration rises again, and so on.

This explains why the more you breathe (hyperventilation), the lower your CO2 concentration.
While inhaling, your CO2 concentration decreases, but if you breathe by inhaling too deeply (excessive deep breathing) or too quickly (hyperventilation), you dangerously lower your CO2 concentration and therefore your metabolism.
You have less energy and more stress.
But if you calm and slow your breath by decreasing the inhalation and quietly prolonging the exhalation, and you allow your CO2 concentration to increase (the CO2 increases on expiration).
By having a longer expiration, you end up breathing less ...
It is also the pillar of Pranayama: a time of inhalation for two times of exhalation.
In other words, you must exhale twice as much as you inhale (extend the exhalation) to allow the accumulation of CO2 and therefore better oxygenation.
Even though this yogic breathing technique is effective, it is unnatural and cannot be maintained permanently.
It is NOT the method of Intermittent Breathing that proposes an ideal rhythm 24/7 according to each individual.
The graphs above also allow you to realize that your breath is constantly paced by your concentration of CO2 and not that of your oxygen which remains maximum, whatever the rhythm of your breathing.
Whether you hyperventilate or not, your oxygen saturation in the blood is always maximal!
On the other hand, if you hyperventilate, you decrease your concentration of CO2 and thus your cellular oxygenation (Bohr effect), which generates many unpleasant physical and psychic symptoms.
If you breathe less and more calmly, you increase your concentration of CO2 and therefore your cellular oxygenation (Bohr effect + afterburn effect), which allows your body and your mind to remain perfectly calm because you deactivate the stress of your hyperventilation.
The secret of Intermittent Breathing could be summarized as follows: breathe calmly and much LESS to turn off the negative cycle of stress and hyperventilation.
As simple and powerful as that!
The most important point to understand here is that your breathing rate is directly dependent on your CO2 tolerance.
Indeed, as the graph above shows, inspiration is triggered (by your reptilian brain) when the CO2 concentration reaches a certain threshold (35 mmHg on the graph - mmHg is a unit of pressure).
The inspiration is triggered to decrease the concentration of CO2, the excess of which will be expelled on the next expiration.
So, whenever your CO2 concentration reaches your tolerance level, your reptilian brain automatically triggers the inspiration.
But if your CO2 tolerance is high, the time between your exhalation and your new inhalation will be longer than if you had a low CO2 tolerance.
In other words, the higher your CO2 tolerance threshold, the slower and more relaxed your breathing is, the less you breathe. It takes longer before triggering the new inhalation.
On the other hand, the lower your CO2 tolerance threshold, the faster and more superficial your breathing, and the more you breathe.
You have not had time to "breathe" and appreciate the exhale that must already inspire again.
This leads to quick, superficial and chaotic breathing: great occasional inspirations such as a desperate effort to oxygenate you, frequent yawning or sighing, breathing that sometimes freezes, diaphragm hypertension, and so on ...
All these dysfunctional breathing patterns are the result of stress and hyperventilation!
🔥 The only solution? Stop hyperventilation by breathing less!
The pace of your breath therefore depends on your CO2 tolerance.
It is precisely this threshold of CO2 tolerance that yogis constantly push back by practicing Intermittent Breathing, allowing them to breathe more and more calmly.
It is also this CO2 tolerance threshold that athletes work unconsciously to increase their physical endurance.
While the yogis do so in stillness, without stress or fatigue thanks to Intermittent Breathing, athletes will depend on their daily training that they will constantly intensify, which will inevitably generate stress and fatigue in the medium term.
Intermittent Breathing will allow you to become internally calm and powerful only if you increase your CO2 tolerance to breathe less.
The higher your tolerance, the less you breathe, and the more Zen you are. This means that you breathe calmly and in a relaxed way, with an ever more subtle breath.
However, the lower your tolerance level, the more you breathe, and the more stressed you are.
This means that you hyperventilate and you breathe more than you need. Your breath is choppy, visible, noisy and generates pain (diaphragm blocked, back pain, tightness in the chest, etc.).
So on the CO2 tolerance scale, we have two extremes.

On the one hand, we have the yogis who constantly control and soothe their breathing in order to develop a level of energy and a state of serenity inaccessible to ordinary people (Samadhi, nirvana, satori, total absence of stress, total disappearance of fear ...).
Their CO2 tolerance threshold is very high!
Stress and anxiety are impossible here.
💪 PS: Yogis are men and women like you and me, so you can also experiment with these states.
And on the other side of the ladder, we have stressed people who neglect their breathing and constantly hyperventilate (even if they think they have a blocked breathing in appearance).
The stress and associated hyperventilation will inevitably lead to the degeneration of these people, leading to disease and premature death.
Unfortunately, the world is moving towards degeneration and the bottom of the ladder ... But it's possible at any time to turn things around by taking control of your breathing.
And your positioning on this scale depends only on one variable: your CO2 tolerance ( that you will soon be able to measure )!
The higher your CO2 tolerance threshold, the more CO2 you can accumulate in your cells, which will always attract more oxygen (Bohr effect), increase your energy production (metabolism), and reduce your stress (you eliminate hyperventilation by breathing less).
And what is the most powerful and effective tool to increase your CO2 tolerance?
Obviously, Intermittent Breathing and the intelligent introduction of respiratory pauses (retentions). You will soon discover the extremely effective basic technique.
Breathing more increases your stress and anxiety levels and quickly destroys your health
There are two steps to successful oxygenation.
The first step is the oxygenation of the lungs and blood.
We all successfully complete this first step (except in case of serious illness) because we all have maximum oxygen saturation in the blood. If in doubt, you can measure it now with an oximeter.
Whether it's a sick person close to death or an overpowered yogi hidden in a cave in the Himalayas, our oxygen saturation in the blood is always maximal (96 -100%)!
The second step is oxygenation of our cells.
They are the ones who need it to produce energy. And we have seen that the key to oxygenating your cells is the CO2 (carbon dioxide) produced inside your cells.
This concentration of CO2 is what differentiates us all, not only our level of energy but also our level of stress.
Just as for your energy level, your stress level is dependent on a single physiological variable: your CO2 tolerance threshold and your associated breathing rate (hyperventilation or calm breathing).
As you now know, your stress response is managed unconsciously by your reptilian brain.
Everything is unconscious, which means you do not have to think about it.
It's your animal brain that takes control during stress, and it inevitably accelerates your breathing (hyperventilation) and your heart rate, even if you are not aware of it.
The goal of your reptilian brain: fight or flight.
For the human animal, staying alive in the face of imminent danger is only possible by fleeing or fighting!
Unfortunately, we live in a world where the human animal (reptilian brain) is in constant stress: noise, pollution, physical or psychological aggression, social and financial pressure, emotional trauma, etc...
Thus, your heart rate and breathing are in a state of constant stress.
In other words, you breathe more and your heart beats faster, and this constantly 24/7, except perhaps the evening when you have a moment of respite or during your few weeks of vacation in the sun ... and again this is not guaranteed!
One thing is certain, by breathing more, whether visibly or not, you are hyperventilating.
This hyperventilation will have catastrophic effects on your CO2 concentration.
Indeed, hyperventilation does not affect the oxygenation of your blood (always maximum saturation), but hyperventilation will reduce your concentration of CO2 at the cellular level!
By decreasing your CO2 concentration, you cancel the Bohr effect (oxygenation), you reduce the oxidative fire of your cells (you burn less matter), you reduce your energy production (metabolism), and obviously, you seriously increase your stress (as you hyperventilate).
Let's see in detail why hyperventilation causes immense stress and literally destroys your life!
Everything is happening in your blood.
Your body must permanently maintain your blood with a neutral pH of about 7.
This guarantees what is called the acid-base balance of your body, a vital physiological factor to stay alive!
Your acid-base balance is permanently maintained in the blood thanks to oxygen (which is a base) and CO2 (which is an acid).
It is the acid / base balance—CO2 / O2 that is maintained, second after second, breath after breath, by your breath.
As you know now, oxygen is constantly at maximum saturation in your blood (maximum basic molecule), but the concentration of CO2 (acid molecule) fluctuates continuously.
Acidity (CO2) decreases on inspiration and increases on expiration. And it is your breathing that constantly balances your acid-base balance by removing excess acidity (CO2). So far, so good!
But if you hyperventilate (daily stress), you evacuate too much CO2 and your blood becomes alkaline (pH greater than 7) because of an excess of base (oxygen) and a lack of acid (O2).
This acid-base imbalance is the worst situation that the body can live, it is maximum stress! For the reptilian brain, this announces the possible death of your billions of cells that absolutely need a neutral pH of 7 to live!
Faced with this maximum stress, the reptilian brain triggers its stress response and sends a message to its favorite soldiers: the adrenal glands.
These will release adrenaline en masse to give you maximum energy to survive (fight or flight), but most importantly they will release a valuable molecule: bicarbonate HCO3, whose molecular structure is similar to CO2.
What is the purpose of the adrenal glands with this precious bicarbonate?
To replace the loss of CO2 (acidity) caused by hyperventilation.
Hyperventilation therefore requisitions (and exhausts) your endocrine system (adrenal glands) to replace the loss of CO2.
In Chinese medicine, the kidneys (adrenal glands) are responsible for the energy called "Jing".
The Jing corresponds to your life essence, and more precisely to your life span.
For simplicity, the more you strain your kidneys (adrenal glands) because of hyperventilation, the more you burn your Jing and the shorter your life ...
That's why hyperventilation and stress destroy your life and make you degenerate quickly (sickness, exhaustion, depression, etc.).
What is your one and only solution to stop this degeneration?
Stop as soon as possible to hyperventilate to no longer solicit your adrenal glands and your Jing (lifespan).
And what is the most powerful and fastest tool to do this?
Intermittent Breathing, which voluntarily establishes respiratory pauses (retentions) to stop hyperventilation and to indicate to the reptilian brain the absence of stress.
Let's take a look at two concrete examples:
1) A person experiences several stressful situations during the day, at work, with his life partner, with his children, or worse, just with his illusory negative thoughts.
Being ignorant of the power of his breathing, he hyperventilates unconsciously, in response to the basic stress of the reptilian brain.
These adrenal glands will support it by producing adrenaline and bicarbonate.
He feels strong and powerful temporarily (effect of adrenaline) until the unhappy day of her burn-out (complete exhaustion of the endocrine nervous system), where he will develop immense stress (permanent anxiety disorder) as well as all the diseases of the world because his body and mind no longer function normally.
2) Take the same situation but with a person who practices Intermittent Breathing.
Despite the surrounding stress that should push her to hyperventilate, she soothes her reptilian brain by smartly breathing with pauses (retentions).
In doing so, she sends a clear message to her inner animal: "Relax, there is no danger".
This communication with your reptilian brain is possible only through the maintenance of a good concentration of CO2 (acidity); otherwise the brain would take over to replace the lost CO2 by producing bicarbonate (adrenal glands).
Thus, by breathing less, you accumulate more CO2 and your blood becomes acidic (pH less than 7).
This is not a stress for the reptilian brain, but a normal situation that simply triggers the inspiration to bring oxygen (alkaline base) and restore a normal pH.
Then your blood becomes acidic again and you inhale again to restore the acid-base balance, and so on.
Acidity, return to normal, acidity, return to normal, etc ...
If your blood is constantly getting acidic through your good breathing (normal situation), you will naturally be attracted by an alkaline diet containing more water (H2O), which has a molecular structure similar to oxygen (O2) in order to restore acid-base balance.
But if you hyperventilate, your blood is constantly alkaline (pH over 7), your reptilian brain is under stress, and your adrenal glands are constantly working to produce bicarbonate (to replace the acidity of the lost CO2). Unfortunately, in this state of stress and permanent anxiety, you are constantly attracted (cravings) by an acidifying diet (sugar, salt, industrial products, and animals) to compensate for the lack of acid (CO2) and urgently restore your acid-base balance (neutral blood pH).
By manipulating your blood pH with Intermittent Breathing, your blood is always on the acidic thanks to a good concentration of CO2, which leaves your brain reptilian and your adrenal glands in a deep rest because you do not overdraw them anymore.
I would also like to make a little side note.
Millions of people fall into the trap of a natural alkaline diet by believing it will reduce their stress and increase their energy. Unfortunately, in case of stress (hyperventilation and alkaline pH), eating healthy (alkaline) is the worst thing you can do because you further unbalance your blood pH (even more alkaline) and it will be a double stress for your reptilian brain and your adrenal glands. This explains why many healthy eating enthusiasts are always stressed and tired.
In case of stress, you urgently need to restore your blood pH, and more precisely acidify it, to counter the effects of hyperventilation (loss of CO2).
Two solutions are available to you:
1) Eat acidifying foods (which explains why we are so dependent on industrial products loaded with sugar, salt, fat, protein, etc.).
In case of stress, these emergency foods become vital for our body (acid-base balance). Unfortunately, they will produce very negative side effects in the medium term.
2) The ultimate solution: practice Intermittent Breathing, which instantly cancels hyperventilation through breathing pauses, which will quickly accumulate more CO2 and acidify blood pH that was too alkaline (because of stress).
The accumulation of acidity (CO2) through respiration obviously has no negative side effects, but instead, powerful beneficial effects that we will detail soon.
But, I beg you, do not make the mistake of eating healthy BEFORE you control your breath, because you are going to exhaust your adrenal glands.
You must first acidify your blood by breathing properly and then eat healthy (alkaline). Not the other way around!
And this is only possible by practicing Intermittent Breathing!
No other tool is so powerful to manipulate your physiology (acid-base balance) and therefore your reptilian brain and its response to stress.

And you? Where are you?
Are you hyperventilating?
Where is your energy and stress?
Before teaching you the powerful basic technique of Intermittent Breathing, let's first see how you breathe.
I developed an alternative test to accurately determine your degree of hyperventilation.
The two surefire alternative tests to measure your energy and stress level
Over the years, I have been able to observe myself and the thousands of people I have coached through my training, and along the way I learn to accurately determine a person’s internal state (energy level and stress) based on two really effective alternative tests.
Warning: These two tests are for informational purposes and are not intended to prescribe medicine.
They do not replace the diagnosis of your doctor, who you should consult for all health matters.
Test # 1: What is your body temperature?
I borrow this alternative test from Dr. Broda Barnes, famous American endocrinologist who specializes in the thyroid gland responsible for metabolism.
To treat his patients, Dr. Barnes took their body temperature and his diagnosis was simple.
By using a digital dial thermometer under the tongue in the morning when you wake up, if your body temperature is below 36.6 ° C (or 97.9 ° F) it indicates a malfunction of your thyroid.
The lower your temperature is below this standard, the more important your hypothyroidism is and the more your metabolism is damaged.
If your temperature is greater than or equal to 36.6 ° C (or 97.9 ° F) in the morning when you wake up, it indicates that your thyroid is working well and therefore has a good metabolism.
Dr. Barnes' test is valuable and very reliable because the main physical criterion of a high metabolism is your body temperature.
Indeed, the higher your metabolism, the higher your body temperature.
If your metabolism is damaged, you are inevitably chilly (chills are one of the first symptoms of stress and anxiety).
Your body temperature is a factor that your body constantly monitors and maintains because it is responsible for the survival of your billions of cells. One degree less is a terrible stress upon your cells.
This especially indicates a malfunction of your metabolism and your breathing.
By having a temperature above 36.6 ° C or 97.9 ° F, you are already assured that your cells are producing enough energy to run your entire body.
According to Dr. Barnes and the scientific report he published, this simple variable (temperature) shelters you from more than 150 modern diseases associated with hypothyroidism.
Most modern illnesses include stress, anxiety, diabetes, depression, cholesterol, burnout, etc.
Regarding your breathing, a temperature above 36.6 ° C or 97.9 ° F is the guarantee of a good concentration of CO2 in your cells.
But this test is very far from sufficient because it is very easy to maintain a good temperature with an acidifying diet.
And yes, by eating animal products, refined sugar, or any other industrial products, you produce a lot of CO2 in your cells, which instantly increases your oxygenation, your metabolism, your energy, and obviously your well-being.
That's why we're all so addicted.
But it is an illusory well-being because in the medium- or long-term, you degenerate your organism.
We use an acidifying diet to replace the loss of CO2 (acid) in case of stress (hyperventilation), and because the whole society is stressed, we are addicted to these acidifying foods.
But if you still want to see the good side of things, by eating an acidifying diet you at least save your adrenal glands by avoiding producing bicarbonate (acid), which helps prevent burnout (depletion of the endocrine system).
But unfortunately, this acidifying diet will still have negative side effects in the long term, including degenerating your precious nervous system.
If you are young, everything is fine, but your body will soon warn you ...
There is a huge difference, a huge gap, between producing CO2 in your cells by eating an acidifying diet and producing CO2 by breathing properly.
We live in two completely different worlds, and our health is a reflection of it!
In truth, when you produce enough CO2 with your breath, you are no longer attracted to an acidifying diet, but to an alkaline diet (fruits, vegetables, water, etc.) because you are constantly acidify your blood through your Intermittent Breathing by accumulating more and more CO2 (acid).
All harmful food addictions disappear overnight by simply manipulating your blood pH.
This is obviously one of the powers of Intermittent Breathing that allow you to eat healthy (alkaline) without exhausting yourself. Do not make the mistake of eating healthy (alkaline) if you are stressed, because your blood is already alkaline because of hyperventilation. If you do, you double the requisition on your adrenal glands and go straight to burn-out!
In times of stress, you must either eat acidifying foods (emergency solution) or practice Intermittent Breathing, which naturally acidifies your blood by accumulating CO2 (ideal solution).
You have no other options! When the first option (acidifying diet) is a trap, the second option (intermittent breathing) transforms you deeply ...
Thus, to clarify your internal physiological state, we absolutely need a second test to refine Dr. Barnes' first (body temperature of 36.6 ° C or 97.9 ° F in the morning).
This second test will determine how you produce your energy, either with an acidifying diet or with perfect breathing ...
Test # 2: What is your apnea time after an expiration?
According to a scientific study (McArdle et al., 2000 ), if an average person holds their breath after expiration, it takes about 40 seconds before they have to breathe again.
This apnea time with empty lungs indicates normal cell oxygenation.
This 40 seconds also corresponds to another physiological standard closely monitored by the body (like that of the ideal temperature which should be 37 ° C or 98.6 ° F, whatever the month of the year).
These 40 seconds correspond to the CO2 pressure in the pulmonary alveoli and arterial blood, which must be 40 mmHg (atmospheric pressure unit) to ensure the acid-base balance maintained by the O2 / CO2 pressure in the blood.
This has been brought to light by physiologists Charles Douglas and John Haldane (Oxford University).
Their results were published in 1909 in a medical article (The Regulation of Normal Breathing, Journal of Physiology, Douglas & Haldane, 1909).
There is therefore a correspondence between your apnea time after expiration and the CO2 concentration in your body (and therefore your acid-base balance).
This conclusion is the pillar of the breathing method created by Dr. Konstantin Buteyko, a master of breathing in the Eastern countries.
He and his team have developed a breath test to measure your CO2 tolerance.
In other words, this test is used to determine whether you are hyperventilating or not.
The test is very simple. Sit comfortably with your back straight.
Watch your breath for a few seconds without changing it. At the end of an exhalation, pinch your nose to produce an apnea.
Start a stopwatch at the same time.
At the very first sign of discomfort (desire to inspire), you stop the timer and resume your breathing normally.
To pass the test, you must take your breath at the first sign that tells you to inhale, and when you catch your breath, your inspiration should not be more agitated or deeper than before the test.
Your breath test should not interfere with your natural breathing.
If this is the case, you have forced too much, it is necessary to repeat the test while waiting a few minutes.
As the scientific study (McArdle et al., 2000) indicates, it usually takes about 40 seconds before inhalation is needed again.
This apnea time indicates normal cellular oxygenation.
This is also the conclusion of Dr. Buteyko and his team, which has been tested on thousands of patients in Eastern Europe.

Dr. Buteyko said: "Below 40 seconds, life is lived in suffering." Obviously, with a low CO2 tolerance threshold, your cells have a CO2 concentration below normal, so low oxygenation and a damaged metabolism that will not produce enough energy (ATP) to produce heat (36.6 ° C or 97.9 ° F minimum) and operate your entire body.
At this point, you are obviously living in perpetual stress!
By observing the scale above, it is easy to understand that sick and stressed people have a score below 40 seconds and that healthy people with high a standard of fitness (yogis, top athletes, leaders, spiritual masters, etc.) inevitably have a score greater than 40 seconds.
But beware! Dr. Buteyko's test alone is not enough because there is a trap into which many practitioners of the Buteyko method fall.
It is very easy to exceed 40 seconds; it is sufficient, for example, to hyperventilate for a few seconds by taking a few deep breaths, and voila!
By hyperventilating quickly, you evacuate a lot of CO2.
If you do apnea (after expiration) right after, your apnea time will necessarily be longer.
If you do the test in the morning when you wake up (as recommended in the Buteyko method), but have hyperventilated during your night's sleep, you can easily exceed 40 seconds.
If you are a fan of the Buteyko method, you will think you are in perfect health while your temperature tells a different story ...
🔥 That's why you have to pair both tests, Buteyko and Barnes.
The combination of the two alternative tests is infallible to specify your inner physiological state , your energy level (temperature test) and also your level of stress and hyperventilation (test apnea after expiration).
For example, here are three possible cases that I encounter frequently:
1) The person has a temperature much lower than 36.6 ° C or 97.9 ° F but an apnea time (after expiration) greater than 40 seconds.
In this situation, we often find very cautious people with "vegan" tendencies who are desperately short of energy and live in permanent physiological stress which exhausts their adrenal glands.
2) The person with a perfect temperature of 37 ° C or 98.6 ° F in the morning upon waking but apnea after expiration much lower than 40 seconds.
They are often warm (but stressed) people with a very acidifying diet.
These people produce enough energy, but it is an energy of stress and stimulation resulting from the consumption of animal products, sugar, industrial products, coffee or other energy drinks.
These people are maintained "artificially" by their acidifying diet, not by their breathing.
3) The person with a temperature below 36.6 ° C or 97.9 ° F and an apnea time well below 40 seconds.
As Dr. Buteyko puts it so well, these people do not live, they survive.
He says: "Below 40 seconds, life is lived in suffering."
I can confirm this for having known the bottom of the hole: before I started Intermittent Breathing, I had 35.8 ° C or 96.4 ° F of body temperature and 9 seconds of apnea.
Fortunately everything has normalized since, but I wanted to show you how far I’ve come ...
In all three cases, it indicates a damaged metabolism and non-optimal respiration (hyperventilation).
🔥 By practicing Intermittent Breathing, the individual can quickly normalize his or her metabolism (more energy and less stress) by re-launching cellular oxygenation (energy) while deactivating the deadly cycle of hyperventilation (stress and anxiety).
Thus, the person is slowly getting closer to both standards:
1) Body temperature in the morning when waking up at a minimum of 36.6 ° C or 97.9 ° F
2) Apnea time after waking up in the morning at least 40 seconds
According to my observations and my personal experience, at this stage, the individual functions perfectly at all levels: physically, emotionally, and psychically.
The absence of stress gives him unlimited energy but above all a feeling of peace and permanent happiness.
Dr. Buteyko's (40-second standard) and Dr. Barnes's (36.6 ° C or 97.9 ° F) observations are also noteworthy.
By combining these two standards, you have the ultimate alternative test to determine your inner physiological state (energy and stress level).
To describe a perfectly healthy individual (37 ° C / 98.6 ° F and 40 seconds minimum), I will let the famous doctor Henry Bieler tell you about it.
He specializes in natural alternative medicine and is the author of many health books such as "Diet is your best medicine" where he describes the person in perfect health as "adrenal type".
Here is his description:
"The physical energy of the adrenal type is seemingly inexhaustible, as is the nervous response of the sympathetic system, a result of perfect oxidation of phosphorous in the nerve tissue.
Oxidation of carbon in the muscular system gives the adrenal type his great warmth.
Thus, the temperature of his body is scarcely ever below 98.8, with hands and feet always pleasantly warm.
As digestion and detoxification of food poisons depend greatly upon oxidation in the liver and intestines, it follows that the typical adrenal type, with his perfect oxidation, has thorough digestion.
In fact, he may and often does boast that he can eat any and all kinds of food without discomfort.
The exogenous uric acid products as well as the indoxyl compounds are completely detoxicated in the liver, do not accumulate in the blood, nor are they found in the urine.
The skeletal muscles are well developed and have splendid tone.
Fatigue is practically unknown to the adrenal type.
His muscular endurance is spectacular.
And the perfect tone of the involuntary muscles is evidenced by complete and rapid peristalsis, resulting in several bowel evacuations daily.
He can dine on the most impossible food combinations imaginable with no evil results.
The quality of the blood is characteristic.
A slight to marked polycythemia (more red cells than usual) occurs; leucopenia, or abnormal white cell count on the low side, is never noted.
The blood, which is of a rich, red color, clots quickly.
Fatal hemorrhage seldom occurs.
The immunity against bacterial invasion is spectacular.
The typical adrenal type hardly ever becomes infected, even with venereal diseases.
A member of the adrenal-type group has a phlegmatic disposition – easygoing, jolly, slow to anger, never bothered with insomnia, fear or “cold feet.” He will often go out of his way to avoid a quarrel. Customarily, he has a wide circle of friends because he is warm-hearted and surrounded by an ‘aura’ of kindly sympathy.
Splendid circulation gives him warm, magnetic hands.
He never worries... His digestion is good and he is seldom constipated.
It is possible for him to stand more treatments, operations and even more lung hemorrhages than any other type of patient.
He is the patient most often discharged as arrested or cured.
All the treatment necessary for his recovery is supplied by bed rest and fresh air."
Interesting is not it?
In truth, the perfectly healthy individual is summarized in the first paragraph of his description by a single and essential factor (read again if necessary): OXIDATION of phosphorus and CO2!
All the characteristics of the adrenal type (of the perfectly healthy individual) therefore depend on your OXYGEN oxidation capacity and your cellular oxygenation, and therefore inevitably of your CO2 concentration to attract oxygen (Bohr effect).
As Henry Bieler observes and describes so well, good OXIDATION confers true modern powers:
- physical energy without limit
- body temperature rarely below 98.8°F
- perfect digestion and detoxification
- possibility to eat all types of food without any discomfort
- perfectly developed and tonic muscles
- absence of fatigue
- spectacular muscular endurance
- fast peristalsis (rapid digestion)
- blood with more red blood cells
- perfect concentration of white blood cells and spectacular immunity
- phlegmatic disposition (patient, jovial, calm, relaxed, warm heart, sympathetic)
- perfect circulation (warm and magnetic hands)
Here the observations of the famous Dr. Henry Bieler also overlap with the observations of Dr. Barnes and Dr. Buteyko on the characteristics of a perfectly healthy individual.
And this perfect health depends only on one single factor: your OXIDATION and your oxygenation, which depends on your CO2 concentration (Bohr effect) and therefore your CO2 tolerance threshold (the limit that allows you to accumulate more and more).
And what is the ultimate weapon, the most powerful tool, the supreme skill to acquire to develop all these modern inner powers?
Yes, you know it now ...
🔥 Intermittent breathing!
Rest assured, I will soon teach you exactly how to do it, and you will be surprised at the beneficial effects from the first application.
Speaking of beneficial effects, let's first look in detail at the benefits of Intermittent Breathing.
The Unlimited Benefits of Intermittent Breathing
Intermittent Breathing aims to constantly increase your CO2 tolerance.
This threshold is determined by your very powerful reptilian brain.
By pushing your limits and this threshold of tolerance always higher, you regain control over your inner animal, which allows you to eliminate all your stress and develop your energy and psychic potential to the maximum!
Scientists have always known that humans only use 10% of their brain capacity (the entire conscious part of the neocortex). Accumulating more and more CO2 in your body will inevitably give you access to powers you never imagined (the remaining 90% only accessible when your reptilian brain is soothed and under control).

Here is a glimpse of the unlimited benefits of the regular and intelligent practice of Intermittent Breathing.
Better oxygenation
The more CO2 your cells produce, the more they attract oxygen (Bohr effect).
Oxygen will oxidize and burn all the contents of your cells, be it your meal, your fat reserves, or your toxins.
While some therapists advise you to fast to burn excess fat and toxins, I recommend increasing your oxidative capacity to burn more matter and produce more heat.
And this is only possible by increasing your oxygenation by practicing Intermittent Breathing.
You can fast all your life without benefiting from it if you do not know how to breathe to increase your cellular oxidation (i.e., the ability to burn the material).
Better dilation (relaxation)
CO2 has a dilating effect on the entire body (Dilator Action of CO2 by Peter H. Viles and John T. Shepherd).
In other words, the lower your CO2 concentration, the more tense and contracted your body is (i.e., chaotic breathing). The higher your CO2 concentration, the more your body relaxes (calm breathing) .
Everything starts at the level of the lungs.
A good concentration of CO2 is necessary to dilate the pulmonary alveoli to allow the gas exchange, which is done by diffusion effect between the lungs and the blood.
Otherwise, a lack of CO2 leads to the constriction of the bronchi, which is a breathing difficulty better known as asthma (the intensity may vary depending on the person).
You breathe more and more while trying to take great breaths (hyperventilation), but it unfortunately only worsens the situation.
As we have seen, to increase your oxygenation, you should not breathe more, but less, by instituting breathing pauses with Intermittent Breathing.
A good CO2 concentration is also needed to dilate the bloodstream (arteries and veins).
This will directly decrease your heart rate.
Otherwise, a lack of CO2 causes the constriction of the blood network and hypertension.
This will directly cause the acceleration of your heart rate, which must increase in order to nourish your entire body.
In the long run, you tire your heart and damage your bloodstream.
While some therapists advise you to take baking soda (similar structure as CO2) to dilate your blood system and normalize many other parameters, I recommend the practice of Intermittent Breathing that will quickly increase your concentration of CO2 and dilate your entire body (bronchi, blood network, cells, etc.).
Even localized pain physical tension tends to disappear in the presence of the dilatation effect of a good CO2 concentration (see sedation study below).
Best sedation (relaxation)
Another powerful effect of CO2 is its sedative effect (Fukuda et al. (2006) Moderate hypercapnia-induced anesthetic effects and endogenous opioids).
A good CO2 concentration will soothe all of your cells. There are the muscle cells that will be relaxed, but the ones we are most interested in are the nerve cells that make up our spinal cord and our brain.
A good concentration of CO2 is the assurance of a perfectly calm and relaxed nervous system (i.e., no stress).
In the world of breathing (yoga, sophrology, etc.), we often talk about activating the parasympathetic nervous system (the one that soothes the body) by emphasizing expiration.
Even if this is the case, the main factor that will determine the calming state of your brain and nervous system will remain your concentration of CO2, which is a natural sedative.
While some therapists advise you to take "soothing" plant-based medicine with deep breathing, I recommend practicing Intermittent Breathing which will naturally soothe your whole body, from your muscles to your brain to your entire body .
Scientific studies have even shown that all the positive effects of meditation have nothing to do with meditation itself, but are directly related to slowing down your breathing during meditation (Grant and Rainville (2009), Pain sensitivity and analgesic effects of mindfulness in Zen meditators).
By understanding this, you could enjoy a state of mental peace whatever the time of the day, whether you are sitting at a computer or standing in a queue, as long as you handle your breathing properly in order to increase your CO2 concentration.
Evidently by practicing Intermittent Breathing during your meditation, you further enhance the positive effects of your session like you would never have imagined.
I myself practiced years of intensive meditation at ashrams and weeks-long retreats, but it never really calmed my restless mind ...
On the other hand, the advanced practice of Intermittent Breathing gave me the opportunity to experience states of calm and inner peace that profoundly impacted my state of consciousness on a daily basis. Words fail to describe those states whose flavor you can only realize by direct experience.
Better energy (vitality)
By attracting more oxygen to your cells (Bohr effect), you increase your oxidative capacity, so you burn more calories and produce much more energy.
As surprising as it may seem, increasing your energy metabolism can be done calmly, without any particular physical effort simply by intelligently manipulating your breathing.
Moreover, the yogis developed great energy accompanied by great internal heat without even moving, just by meditating (breathing)!
While some therapists advise you to do intensive sports on a daily basis and take supplements to boost your energy, I recommend instead that you quietly practice Intermittent Breathing with light activity throughout the day.
Accelerated regeneration
In case of health problems, the priority of the body is obviously self-healing. According to the Bohr effect, oxygen is distributed in cells that produce the most CO2.
And do you know what a defective or damaged organ, cancer cells, lazy intestines, and inflamed tissues all have in common?
These cells produce a lot of CO2 (cellular activity caused by the disease) and thus consume all your available oxygen, which leaves you very little for your other activities.
While some therapists advise you to rest and modify your diet, I recommend the complete rest that comes with Intermittent Breathing to increase your capacity of oxygenation and thus accelerate the regeneration of your body.
Better endurance (breath)
Your endurance capacity is directly linked to your CO2 tolerance level but also to your blood volume, and more precisely to your concentration of red blood cells (hemoglobin) that store oxygen.
The production of red blood cells starts in the bone marrow. This ensures the renewal of the blood by producing stem cells (hematopoiesis) that are the origin of the blood cells (white, red and platelet globules).
The spleen (digestive organ) also plays a role in the production of blood cells.
While some therapists advise you train at elevation to increase your production of red blood cells (which all high-level athletes do), I instead recommend practicing Intermittent Breathing which uses respiratory retention to simulate the same atmospheric pressure as at altitude where oxygen becomes scarce.
Thus, to compensate for this decrease in available oxygen in the air (due to altitude or breathing pauses), the body will produce more red blood cells to store more oxygen in the blood to prevent any shortages, which will increase your stamina and your breath.
In addition, Intermittent Breathing will also stimulate your bone marrow and spleen, which will work much more effectively.
This is highlighted in divers who often have a spleen more developed than others (Enlarged spleen key to endurance diving, Robert Sanders).
Normalization of the thyroid (metabolism)
Metabolism is the set of internal processes that transform air, water, and food into energy.
Your metabolism is directly related to your reptilian brain but also to your thyroid, which is an endocrine gland that determines how fast a cell must produce CO2 (cell activity).
The thyroid always acts according to the level of stress of the reptilian brain (hyperventilation).
People who are tired and stressed (hyperventilation) still suffer from over or under-activity of their thyroid, which leads to many health problems.
When some therapists advise you to restore your thyroid by a particular diet, I instead recommend practicing Intermittent Breathing to restore a high concentration of CO2.
This has the effect of disabling the stress of the reptilian brain, which will automatically normalize the proper functioning of all the endocrine glands under its command, including the thyroid gland.
Normalization of the thymus (white blood cells)
The thymus is an endocrine gland responsible for the production of white blood cells. This is probably the gland most directly impacted by your breathing because it is connected to your diaphragm, the muscle of breathing.
During an emotional shock (stress), your diaphragm tends to physically freeze , which will also cause the blockage of the thymus and stop the production of white blood cells.
Unfortunately your whole immune system is disabled, which causes illness and even death.
It is not uncommon to hear about the rapid death (a few weeks / months) of people after experiencing violent emotional shock.
While some therapists advise you to do deep breathing to unblock your diaphragm, I recommend instead that you practice Intermittent Breathing, which has nothing to do with deep breathing.
I strongly advise against deep breathing, in fact, because it tends to reduce your concentration of CO2, whereas Intermittent Breathing increases it.
Indeed, people who practice deep breathing tend to breathe much more than normal (hyperventilation), which decreases their concentration of CO2, while Intermittent Breathing makes you breathe much less (but better), which increases your CO2 concentration.
Originally, deep breathing (Yoga) was only intended to increase your concentration of CO2.
But for that, it is important to respect many very precise rules that allow for the slowdown and subtilization of the breath.
Very few breathing therapists know these rules.
Some Yoga teachers or sophrologists even think that deep breathing can bring more oxygen by breathing more air (terrible mistake!) ...
Unfortunately, this leads to very bad practice and, inevitably, hyperventilation.
It is unfortunate for students who follow this erroneous advice (as I did a long time ago) out of ignorance.
Rather than learning to practice deep breathing properly (which takes several months to learn), I recommend the practice of Intermittent Breathing which can be practiced easily and correctly from the first session, even for a total beginner.
Better digestion (assimilation and evacuation)
A good concentration of CO2 increases the digestive fire of oxygen (oxidation) in your cells.
But it also increases the digestive fire of your entire digestive system by stimulating the production of hydrochloric acid secreted by the pancreas to purify and digest your food bolus, or the production of bile secreted by the gallbladder to digest fatty acids.
In addition, a good concentration of CO2 has a powerful effect on the acceleration of your peristalsis, which is the natural movement of your gut.
Not only does CO2 guarantee a powerful digestive fire, but it also guarantees efficient excretion thanks to a powerful intestine.
Hypocrates, the father of medicine, said: "the disease always begins in the gut."
In fact, constipation and the accumulation of matter in the intestine (and thus in the cells) is the starting point of the degeneration of the body and the mind.
The accumulation of materials has only one cause: weak oxygenation which does NOT burn the material correctly ...
While some therapists advise digestive enzyme supplementation to support the digestive organs, I rather recommend Intermittent Breathing which will naturally increase the efficiency of all your digestive organs and accelerate your peristalsis (evacuation of all stagnant materials).
Normalizing libido
In humans, a good concentration of CO2 will allow a dilation effect necessary to bring blood to the penis in order to dilate it and make it grow as much as possible (dilation of the blood network).
The sedative effect of CO2 will also be essential to deactivate the stress still present in people who breathe poorly (hyperventilation).
Otherwise, a lack of CO2 will cause stress but especially impotence (erectile disorder).
In women, the effects of dilatation and sedation of CO2 will provide lubrication and physical relaxation essential for the reception of the penis.
Otherwise, a lack of CO2 will cause frigidity and the gradual disappearance of sexual appetite (libido).
This is very commonly seen in vegan women (alkaline diet + hyperventilation = stress and CO2 drop).
While some therapists advise you to supplement with natural aphrodisiac products, I recommend the practice of Intermittent Breathing that will naturally increase your concentration of CO2, which will quickly expand your bloodstream and soothe you.
The result is a powerful erection for men and increased libido for women.
Adrenal gland recovery
The adrenal glands are located just above your kidneys.
These glands are the soldiers of your reptilian brain. In case of stress (hyperventilation), your reptilian brain immediately tells your adrenal glands to produce adrenaline and cortisol (stress hormones) as well as bicarbonate to compensate for the loss of CO2 caused by hyperventilation.
In the medium- to long-term, the abnormally high production of stress hormones and bicarbonate will completely deplete your adrenal glands and cause burn-out, i.e., complete exhaustion of the nervous and endocrine system.
While some therapists advise you to use adaptogenic plants to strengthen your adrenal glands, I recommend rather to completely disable your response to stress at the source itself, i.e., at the level of the reptilian brain so that it no longer requisition your glands adrenals.
Thus, their complete rest will result in their rapid regeneration.
And the only way to disable the stress of your reptilian brain is the practice of Intermittent Breathing that will calm it quickly by "stopping" your hyperventilation through pauses in breath (retentions).
Increased longevity
Science has shown that the metabolism tends to decrease gradually with age, resulting in chills, fatigue, stress, and illness.
Intermittent Breathing is the most powerful practice available to slow down the natural aging process by increasing your metabolism and decreasing your stress.
People who have chosen the path of intensive training (HIIT) to boost their metabolism will be forced sooner or later to stop.
The secret to becoming a super-centenarian is certainly not in sports or even in food, but in optimal breathing that maintains a high energy while reducing stress (emotional fulfillment and lack of stress are the common points of all super-centenarians ).
In addition, according to ancient Chinese doctors, Jing or kidney energy (adrenal glands) is your life span.
Stress and hyperventilation empty your Jing and exhaust your life , while Intermittent Breathing completely preserves your Jing to make your life last as long as possible .
This is only possible by eliminating any stress on your kidneys (adrenal glands) by maintaining a good concentration of CO2 through your breathing.
Only Intermittent Breathing can do that.
Elimination of excess fat
The accumulation of fat is neither more nor less than cells that have a low oxygenation and therefore a very limited capacity to burn your food (your meals but also your fat reserves).
In addition, visceral fat (which lines your stomach and digestive organs) is characterized by a high level of stress (cortisol).
How do you burn more calories while decreasing your stress? How do you increase your metabolism without killing yourself with exercise? I think you guessed ...
While some therapists advise you to fast to burn your fat reserves (not very effective if you breathe poorly), I recommend the practice of Intermittent Breathing, the only tool that burns more calories while decreasing his level of stress (hyperventilation).
Once again, only breathing can effectively manipulate your unconscious reptilian brain by stopping hyperventilation. No other technique can do it as well.
Also, I would like to warn you about the choice of your therapist. Optimal breathing results in a powerful metabolism that burns all excess fat.
If your therapist is overweight, especially at the belly level, the breathing techniques that he teaches you will unfortunately mislead you and will distance you from the power of GOOD BREATH.
I do not say this to criticize, but I tell you that because I myself was overweight (105kg) because of stress and hyperventilation.
Upon learning to breathe well, I quickly regained my fitness (I lost 20kg without excessive exercise or restrictive diet, but just by practicing Intermittent Breathing ).
For people who are already thin, Intermittent Breathing will reduce their level of stress (adrenaline), which tends to dry them up, while Intermittent Breathing reduces the level of cortisol in overweight people.
Adrenaline has a "burn fat" effect while cortisol has a "weight gain" effect, which explains the differences in metabolism. Anyway, Intermittent Breathing will reduce both adrenaline and cortisol levels . Goal: zero stress!
Eliminating breathing difficulties
Difficulty breathing deeply? Feeling of lack of oxygen? Regular yawns and sighs? Pain in the middle of the back or at the solar plexus? Sensation of a blocked diaphragm and a ball in the belly? Sensation of respiratory oppression in the chest? Asthma attacks or regular panic attacks?
All these breathing problems are the obvious result of poor breathing (hyperventilation), but especially poor oxygenation.
As you know now, the solution is to breathe less to increase your CO2 tolerance, to accumulate more CO2 in your cells, which will instantly attract more oxygen into your cells (Bohr effect).
This is only possible with the practice of Intermittent Breathing and NOT deep breathing or other hyperventilation exercises (the worst of errors).
In several years of coaching, I have met hundreds of people with blocked diaphragms.
All of these people practiced deep breathing ... or should I say hyperventilation! This is the cause of their diaphragmatic blockage: a concentration of CO2 too low that causes tension in the whole body.
The solution? Stop hyperventilation to increase the dilatory and sedative effect of CO2.
This is exactly what the basic technique of Intermittent Breathing will do, which I will soon teach you.
Elimination of phobias (irrational panic and fear)
Phobia is an irrational fear that triggers an abnormal state of panic when compared to the trigger.
Whatever your phobia, you must know that it takes root in your reptilian brain.
It is that part of your brain that takes control of your body (palpitations, hyperventilation, tremors, etc.) in the presence of the dreaded situation.
The only way to eliminate a phobia is to regain control of your reptilian brain.
By soothing your unconscious animal brain through Intermittent Breathing, you are able to seriously increase your CO2 concentration.
As we have seen above, CO2 has a powerful sedative effect that instantly calms the state of panic and all the associated stress responses (palpitations, hyperventilation, tremors, etc.).
Numerous scientific studies have demonstrated the link between phobias and hyperventilation (Garssen B, Van Veenendaal W, Bloemink R. Agoraphobia and the hyperventilation syndrome).
As a reminder, hyperventilation decreases your concentration of CO2, which eliminates its sedative effect on your brain, which will start to generate abnormal thoughts (Allen TE, Agus B. (1968), Hyperventilation leading to hallucinations ) and a completely irrational state of fear.
While some therapists advise you to practice hypnosis or meditation to turn off the unconscious fear caused by phobia, I advocate Intermittent Breathing to urgently stop your unconscious hyperventilation, which increases your concentration of CO2, quickly soothe your reptilian brain, and eliminate all of your unconscious fears.
What's more, why target a single phobia when you can eliminate them all at once thanks to a good concentration of CO2?
Only Intermittent Breathing can accomplish so much!
Eliminating anxiety
Anxiety is a very different state of fear. Whereas a phobia is a state of anxiety generated by a very precise situation, anxiety is a state of permanent stress for no particular reason.
In fact, there is obviously a reason, your unconscious reptilian brain is on maximum alert!
And as you hyperventilate (unconsciously), your billions of cells are in serious panic because they do not have enough oxygen to produce the energy that will allow them to survive.
Remember, you are the sum of your billions of cells together.
If they panic and are anxious, you panic and are anxious!
Numerous scientific studies have demonstrated the link between anxiety and hyperventilation (Ker WJ, Dalton JW, Gliebe PA. (1937) Some physical phenomena associated with anxiety states and their relationship between hyperventilation and hyperventilation ).
You can even increase your anxiety right now! All you need to do is breathe more and hyperventilate. A few minutes will suffice ...
Obviously, you can eliminate anxiety as quickly, just stop hyperventilating by breathing less.
This is exactly what Intermittent Breathing does with respiratory pauses (retentions) that will increase your CO2 concentration and your oxygenation, and thus your energy level.
No cell panics when it has maximum energy ...
Anxiety disappears as soon as your oxygenation is normalized with Intermittent Breathing.
It is the most powerful solution to almost instantly turn off your state of anxiety.
I have used it hundreds of times in individual coaching sessions, and the results are surprising! At the time, I naturally cured my generalized anxiety with Intermittent Breathing.
It is not for nothing that breathing is the mainstay of all stress management training, where you will be instructed to soothe and calm your breathing. It's like breathing less, but better!
But there are rules to do it well ... I will explain everything to you with the basic technique of Intermittent Breathing!
In addition, the basic technique that you will soon discover is extremely powerful to instantly turn off a panic attack or an anxiety attack, because smart breathing instantly turns off the deadly cycle of hyperventilation and all the uncomfortable symptoms that accompany it.
Normalizing heart rate and blood pressure
The reptilian brain manages all of your stress responses.
That's why it not only manages your breathing but also your heart rate as well as your blood pressure.
By manipulating these variables, it allows you to flee or fight.
But there is no real danger around you ... There is no ferocious beast attacking you, it is only your boss, your colleague, your partner, your enemy—or worse, just your illusory thoughts ...
In truth, it's just that you breathe TOO much, and you hyperventilate in their presence.
By continuing to hyperventilate, you validate the stress response of your reptilian brain.
Thus, it also increases your heart rate and your blood pressure. You end up having abnormal palpitations and high blood pressure that seriously oppress you.
The solution?
Give your reptilian brain the absence of stress.
Breathing less with Intermittent Breathing.
In doing so, you tell your reptilian brain to slow down your heart rate and lower your blood pressure.
By manipulating your breath, you manipulate your internal physiology .
While some therapists advise you with herbal supplements or deep breathing to calm you down, I instead recommend directly disabling the stress of your reptilian brain by practicing Intermittent Breathing.
Some people with nervous exhaustion or depression have problems with hypotension.
Intermittent Breathing will also normalize low blood pressure by increasing your CO2 concentration, which will increase your metabolism as well as the functioning of your thyroid (responsible in part for the management of your blood pressure).
Permanent mental calm
Numerous studies have demonstrated the link between hyperventilation and mental agitation, that is, the incessant production of often irrational and negative thoughts.
We come back again and again to the low concentration of CO2 caused by hyperventilation.
The sedative effect of CO2 will no longer affect your nerve cells and your neurons.
Your brain will start generating many inconsistent thoughts that range from simple negative thoughts that loop to obsessive thoughts or even hallucinations (Allen TE, Agus B. (1968) Hyperventilation leading to hallucinations).
While some therapists advise you to practice meditation, I recommend using Intermittent Breathing to end your hyperventilation, which will instantly increase your CO2 concentration and restore its natural sedative effect on your brain.
Your neurons will calm down quickly and your entire cognitive process will calm down or even stop altogether if you accumulate enough CO2 .
It is, moreover, the absolute goal of yogis who use meditation to calm their breathing more and more in order to experience what is called mental emptiness or mindfulness.
The absence of (mental) thought coincides with a state of total consciousness where you are perfectly present.
This state of mindfulness is possible only in the total absence of stress (hyperventilation generated by your reptilian brain).
And the ultimate weapon to soothe your reptilian brain is to control and soothe your breath with Intermittent Breathing.
In addition, Intermittent Breathing is the most powerful tool that exists to deepen your meditations.
No other tool will allow you to reach these incredible inner calming states caused by a very high level of CO2.
In a few months, I personally experienced a state of intense presence (mindfulness) that years of intensive meditation practice had never offered me. The key? Breathe less (but better)!
Meditators believe that it is the calming of their mind that gives them this well-being, while it is their internal physiology (concentration of CO2) that soothes their mind.
But to generate this physiological state that soothes the mind, you must first push your CO2 tolerance threshold by practicing Intermittent Breathing.
Improved sleep
When your metabolism (energy) increases and your stress decreases, in truth, you sleep less but better because your recovery time improves greatly.
Moreover, by practicing Intermittent Breathing, instead of being tired and heavy upon waking with the urgent need to take a coffee to artificially stimulate you, you wake up in shape and light, without feeling the need stimulation because you are already operational.
Your nights also tend to be more restorative because the effect of dilatation and sedation of CO2 plunges you into a very recuperative sleep.
While some therapists advise you to do a complicated ritual to prepare your sleep, I recommend the practice of Intermittent Breathing to accumulate more CO2 (sedative effect and dilation) to regenerate you quickly so you can sleep peacefully.
Fight against cancer
Otto Warburg, renowned physician, physiologist, and biochemist, was awarded a Nobel Prize for Medicine for his work on cancer.
The conclusion of his studies is that cancer cannot develop in an alkaline environment, i.e., in cells rich in oxygen.
According to Dr. Warburg, the ultimate solution to prevent and cure cancer is simply to improve the oxygenation of your cells .
What allows the oxygenation of your cells? Good concentration of CO2 (Bohr effect).
How to increase your CO2 concentration? Physical activity and intermittent breathing.
While some therapists advise you to adopt a particular diet, I prefer to rely on this Nobel Prize for Medicine whose conclusion is that cancer cannot exist in the presence of oxygen .
It is enough simply to increase your oxygenation and thus your concentration of CO2 (Bohr effect) thanks to a good breathing.
The body will then be responsible for regenerating itself according to its vital resources (its level of Jing or vital essence).
Development of psychic power
All scientists agree that humans use barely 10% of the capacity of their brain.
We use the tip of the iceberg, which corresponds to the conscious brain (also called the neocortex).
But there is also the submerged part of the iceberg, the remaining 90%, of which we are not aware.
This corresponds to invisible psychic faculties that allow us to perceive that which is out of the ordinary.
These powers reside in our limbic (emotional) brain but especially our reptilian (animal) brain.
That part of the brain possesses incredible power that we cannot access because it is unconscious.
In truth, we all have already experienced all these psychic powers. Here are some examples:
- you think of someone and soon after you run into this person or this person calls you (power of premonition)
- You are invited to an activity, but you feel that it will go wrong or that it is a waste of time.
In spite of your intuition, you still embark on it and realize some time later that you were right, and this activity was not beneficial (power of intuition or sixth sense)
- you feel the presence of someone behind you or looking at you. As you turn around, you realize that there are indeed people watching you (power of extrasensory perception )
- you meet someone and you instantly perceive their intentions as well as their thoughts (power of clairvoyance)
- you imagine and emotionally feel a desired future, and some time later, you realize that you are living the image you had imagined (power of attraction)
We all have incredibly powerful psychic powers, but they are asleep and rusty because of their non-use.
While some therapists advise you to invoke magic, I recommend instead to push your inner physiological limits by increasing your CO2 tolerance.
In doing so, you gradually release your unconscious powers by pushing the boundaries of your reptilian brain.
Pushed to the extreme, Intermittent Breathing offered the yogis psychic powers they called sidis.
And the most interesting sidis you can get are without a doubt physical health, emotional freedom, and happiness on a daily basis.
But these sidis are only offered to the most deserving people, that is to say those who have worked to get them, those who will have the courage to handle their breathing regularly!
For the basic technique that you will soon discover, I recommend at least one hour of practice per day to quickly see the first positive effects on your body and mind.
Feeling of more and more permanent happiness
In the end, what is your deepest desire? Why do you want a slim, muscular body? Why do you want to free yourself from your fears that block you? Why do you want to earn more money and have more success in business? Why do you want to regain your energy? Why do you want to reduce your stress to live more serenely?
What is the primary desire underlying all these secondary desires?
It's just the desire to be happy, simply!
Wherever you are in your personal journey, all your processes of evolution and development are motivated only by a desire for more happiness ...
And you have already tried various tools ... Changing your diet? NLP or hypnosis? Yoga or qiqong? Deep breathing or sophrology? Prayer or devotional songs?
But you missed out on Intermittent Breathing, the most powerful tool for developing that happiness, whether physical (health), emotional (freedom), or mental (calm).
For millennia, all the great masters have understood the unlimited power of breathing, and its secret lies in the accumulation of ever more CO2 to increase your oxygenation (energy), your dilation (relaxation), and your sedation (calm), the three powerful characteristics of CO2.
Breathe less (but better) to increase your energy and decrease your stress ... here is the power of intermittent breathing!
The pitfalls to avoid in the world of breathing
Before we start practicing Intermittent Breathing with the good protocole, I'd first like to take a quick tour of the breathing practices and methods that currently exist so that you avoid making the same mistakes I did.
Over 15 years, I have tested everything, read all the books on breathing, bought all respiratory training programs on the Internet.
I even ordered one-to-one coaching one with dozens of respiratory coaches and took two Yoga teacher diploma courses (10 years of training in total).
I don’t say this to boast, but to show that breathing my passion and also my job, as I am now a breathing coach relying on my own method: Intermittent Breathing.
Let's see why I ended up creating a new method when there are already hundreds of other techniques ...
The trap of Yoga
Every day, hundreds of yoga teachers settle in and share their yogic knowledge. I myself was one of them at the time.
Unfortunately, some yoga teachers just blindly repeat what they learned in their training. They teach the same postures, the same pranayamas, the same meditation techniques. They repeat like parrots what their teacher has taught them, for the best or the worst ...
In more than 15 years, I attended hundreds of different yoga classes. In hindsight, 50% of them were very bad (including mine) because breathing was taught in a very bad way: far too much hyperventilation!
Moreover, breathing well on a daily basis has nothing to do with the Pranayama exercises taught in Yoga. You can do Pranayama all your life without ever knowing how to breathe properly through the rest of the day, which is often the case for many practitioners!
Some teachers have perfectly mastered the techniques ... but they do not understand the physiology of breathing!
For example, when you hear teachers say that you have to exhale all the CO2 because it is a toxic poison that must be eliminated, or when others practice oral hyperventilations (immense stress for the adrenal glands), or when others try to indoctrinate you into limiting beliefs, you end up leaving the world of Yoga.
This is what I did at the time. I stopped teaching pranayama techniques because I did not understand the meaning. At the time, I did not teach pranayama, but hyperventilation. I did not understand the essence of Yoga, which is breathing less and less to accumulate more CO2.
Few Yoga practitioners and even teachers understand the physiology of CO2 and the absolute goal of accumulating more ...
Most people even believe that you need to breathe more deeply for better oxygenation … what a terrible mistake (which I myself made)!
That's why very few Yoga practitioners completely regenerate until they understand that one should not breathe more deeply and deeply, but much less and better. At that moment, my yoga and breathing practice completely transformed!
As we have seen, the rhythm of your breathing makes you switch to either regeneration (loss of stress) or suffering (stress and hyperventilation).
That said, I had the chance to meet extremely competent Yoga teachers, who perfectly mastered every detail of the breath and who allowed me to refine my practice, my method of Intermittent Breathing, and to become me—a Yoga therapist specializing in the breath.
The trap of hyperventilation
Hyperventilation generates hallucinations and a very powerful paranoid effect simply because you decrease the concentration of CO2 in your cells.
Hyperventilation is the main cause of stress and in the medium- to long-term causes disease and degeneration due to the exhaustion of the nervous system and the endocrine system (i.e., adrenal glands).
And yet, you can register every weekend for hyperventilation courses. You will be asked to open your mouth, breathe without stopping, and let go and trust the process ...
The physiological effects of these workshops are devastating to the body and mind, even though the immediate effect is a feeling of lightness and relief.
These are only side effects to compensate for the immense physiological stress that you have just experienced.
The worst thing is that these workshops generate a form of addiction. Indeed, hyperventilation releases adrenaline that generates a feeling of power.
In tandem, endorphins are released to compensate for the immense stress experienced.
You feel good, vaporous, as if you’re in the clouds.
This feeling of deceptive levity is in fact the sign of an intense physiological trauma that has just taken place.
And ignorant practitioners go back there every week as if to shoot their new drug (adrenaline and endorphin).
In the medium-term, they will experience burn-out and complete exhaustion!
Intermittent Breathing is at the opposite end of hyperventilation and goes in the opposite direction.
The goal is to steal the breath so much that it becomes almost imperceptible!
The trap of popular methods
Some people are famous and have a powerful impact on the people who follow them.
If they promote a particular breathing technique, millions of people will do the same thing, for better or worse ... unfortunately, often for the worse!
For example, there is the most famous coach in personal development.
He promotes his method of breathing through his training programs.
It's about inhaling for several seconds, keeping full lungs for several seconds, and exhaling.
Repeated several times, the technique is supposed to release your inner power!
And it works!
Unfortunately, this popular technique does not release your inner power, but it releases a river of adrenaline that will actually make you overpowered!
But this condition is very temporary, illusory, and extremely stressful for your endocrine system, and more specifically for your adrenal glands that secrete adrenaline.
Repeated for a few months or years, you go straight to burn-out and complete exhaustion of the nervous and endocrine system! You will unfortunately become addicted to stimulants of any kind to keep you afloat (sugar, coffee, meat, etc.).
Remember, every time you requisition your adrenal glands, you exhaust your Jing, i.e., your life span (according to ancient Chinese doctors).
Intermittent Breathing is at the opposite extreme since it cancels any stress on the reptilian brain and therefore on your adrenal glands.
By practicing Intermittent Breathing, you put all your stress response on a long-term vacation.
The power generated by Intermittent Breathing comes from better functioning of your cells and your metabolism, not a shot of adrenaline !
There is also another famous American yogi who promotes his method by performing exploits such as swimming in an icy river, running barefoot in the snow, or meditating for several hours on ice. He attributes all his exploits to his magical breathing.
His method is to hyperventilate quickly by mouth for a good minute, then to make a retention as long as possible. After several cycles, you become a "demi-god," a human being with immense powers (which allows you to achieve records too).
And it works!
Where do these powers come from? This yogi has just developed an extremely powerful technique to release tons of adrenaline (stress hormone).
Adrenaline actually allows you to move mountains and turns you into a living god. It's survival instinct and stress stimulation to the fullest!
Becoming a "half god" under adrenaline infusion is easy for everyone.
Just practice the technique above, but you will make a pact with the Death (exhausting your Jing kidney energy) .
Becoming a "half god" with a powerful energy metabolism that generates no stress is another matter! Here, you make a pact with the Life and a longevity out of norm (preserving your Jing, energy of the kidneys).
That's exactly what Intermittent Breathing is all about: giving you real inner power from the energy your cells produce, not an adrenaline shot...
The trap of the Buteyko method
Dr. Konstantin Buteyko is a breathing genius and is probably one of the only modern men to understand the essence of Yoga exercises and to democratize it to the general public through scientific studies.
His work also allowed me to refine my understanding of the physiology of breathing.
I even experimented his method by training with several accredited coaches "Buteyko practitioner."
I am extremely grateful for the work of Dr. Buteyko, but quite surprisingly, beyond a common physiological basis, the ten or so coaches I approached taught me completely different methods. There seems to be no common plan around this method.
Moreover, there is a huge trap in the Buteyko method into which many practitioners fall. I talked about it earlier when doing the CO2 tolerance test with respiratory apnea after expiration.
It is quite possible to have a very high apnea time (test #2) while having a completely damaged metabolism.
For example, hypothyroidism also refers to slow breathing and very long breathing pauses between each inhalation expiration.
Thus, we can meet practitioners of the Buteyko method who have very long apneas, but a body temperature below the normal (Broda Barnes test #1).
According to the criteria of the Buteyko method, they are in perfect health, but their body temperature indicates the opposite ...
That's why I quickly abandoned the Buteyko method, which I learned can damage your metabolism.
The basis of their method is to breathe less, just like Intermittent Breathing, but their ultimate mistake is to be hypoventilated too often, which ultimately damages their metabolism.
Breathe less, that's good!
But as we will see soon, it must be done in a very precise way because excessive restriction of breathing is not good.
It even produces the opposite effects by decreasing your metabolism. But rest assured, I will show you exactly how to soothe your breathing in complete safety!
So that's why I always complete Dr. Buteyko's (apnea after exhalation) test with Dr. Broda Barnes' (body temperature) test to accurately refine your metabolism.
It is not uncommon to meet Buteyko practitioners with 60 seconds of apnea but only 96.8°F of temperature, indicating a completely out-of-service metabolism.
The ultimate goal is to have a temperature of 37 ° C - 98.8 ° F and 40 seconds of apnea in the morning when you wake up, which is a very powerful metabolism (more energy and less stress)!
That said, I had the chance to meet some extremely competent Buteyko coaches who perfectly mastered every detail of the breath, and who allowed me to refine my practice and method on Intermittent Breathing.
The trap of traditional Intermittent Hypoxic Training IHT
In sports, intermittent hypoxic training has been known for several years for its benefits on muscle recovery and nervous appeasement.
However, there is a huge difference between traditional intermittent hypoxic training IHT and the intermittent breathing I teach.
Traditional training in hypoxia essentially consists of reducing the surrounding oxygen. For this, we will use several protocols:
- training at high altitude where oxygen is becoming scarce
- breathing with a training mask that reduces the absorption of oxygen
- rest in a hypoxic aunt who reduces the oxygen concentration
etc ...
As you can see, traditional intermittent hypoxic training manipulates your external environment.
Intermittent Breathing is different because it directly manipulates your inner environment through your breathing.
In addition, Intermittent Breathing attempts to increase the oxygen uptake within your cells by hypercapnic training (increasing the concentration of CO2 in the cell) while conventional hypoxic hypoxic entrainment attempts to reduce surrounding oxygen outside (altitude, aunt, mask, etc.).
In other words, Intermittent Breathing focuses on increasing CO2 at the cellular level whereas traditional hypoxic training focuses on decreasing the surrounding oxygen.
Both methods end up creating the same benefits, except that the effects of hypoxia training are very temporary, as it does not change the way you breathe the rest of the day. Thus, you become once again dependent on the outside to create an inner well-being.
Intermittent Breathing teaches you to breathe well 24/7 to benefit from good permanent oxygenation and to create an inner well-being independent of external circumstances. Here is the power of a good breath!
The trap of other methods
And then you have all the other breathing methods like sophrology, heart coherence, deep breathing, etc., that are just pale copies of Pranayama Yoga exercises. We took the Yoga exercises and pasted on another label.
It would have been perfect if these methods further explained the physiology of respiration, the importance of CO2 accumulation, the CO2 tolerance threshold, the functioning of the metabolism, the Bohr effect, etc ... but by following these methods, you only follow blindly the precise rhythms imposed by the exercises.
X seconds here, Y seconds there, W seconds of full retention here, and Z seconds of empty hold there.
Meanwhile, practitioners blindly follow the rhythms without understanding what they are generating in their bodies because they do not understand the physiology of the CO2 / O2 pairing!
These people often end up giving up their practices because, apart from the slight temporary relief and the illusory well-being of the moment, they do not find there the power of deep regeneration that they expected.
Unfortunately, all these practices even tend to damage the metabolism of their practitioners.
Why? Because by following general rhythms given to everyone, you often breathe too much and this leads you to practice a form of hyperventilation, which decreases your concentration in CO2, which in turn decreases your oxygenation, and in the end your energy!
99% of people who leave a deep breathing session feel either tired (loss of CO2), excited (adrenaline), or with their head spinning (stress) ... and you will be told that it is normal and that we must continue!
I have coached hundreds of people who have been practicing deep breathing for years, but it has never changed their breathing problems that persisted despite years of practice!
🔥 When you breathe properly, when your CO2 concentration increases, all your breathing problems disappear instantly!
Lao Tzu, a great sage of the time said: "The perfect man breathes as if he does not breathe."
In Yoga texts, it is said that: "The purpose of Yoga (union) is reached when breathing ceases."
We are clearly talking about the subtlety and invisibility of breathing, certainly not deep breathing or hyperventilation!
To breathe less but better, to have an imperceptible breathing, this is the absolute objective of Intermittent Breathing and the basic technique that I will soon teach you.
The different forms of Intermittent Breathing
Intermittent Breathing is simple. It consists of breathing less but better! And to breathe better is to breathe less, which increases the CO2 concentration in your cells and attracts more oxygen (Bohr effect).
There are several ways to proceed. These are the different forms of Intermittent Breathing.
The constant form
It's about breathing less permanently. In this category, we find the practice of meditation that will slow down more and more of the breath.
During the whole meditation period, as you breathe less, you will accumulate more CO2, which will improve your cellular oxygenation.
In this category, we also find the Buteyko method that invites its practitioners to constantly restrict their breathing. But beware, excessive restriction eventually damages your metabolism.
Warning: As you will soon discover with the basic technique of Intermittent Breathing, any excess is negative for a very specific physiological reason: it causes stress.
It's a question of breathing less, but without forcing! I will show you exactly how to do it (there are precise rules to be respected).
If you constantly restrict your breathing and therefore your oxygen supply, your metabolism will eventually adjust. Rather than boosting your metabolism, you decrease it.
Life is made up of ups and downs. It sometimes speeds up and slows down. If you are active, your breathing can NOT remain constantly restricted, otherwise you will also live a restricted life.
The constant form of Intermittent Breathing should be practiced intermittently, from time to time, during your formal meditation session, during a moment of relaxation that you allow yourself during the day, or during a temporary breathing exercise.
Above all, do not make the mistake of constantly wanting to slow down your breath, which would have the opposite effect to that sought.
But rest assured, following my complete method, you will avoid the many pitfalls that await all those who wish to manipulate their breathing and thus their very powerful reptilian brain.
There are specific rules to follow to tame your inner animal without stressing it. I'll explain everything!
The cyclic form
It's about breathing less, but about a complete breathing cycle.
In this category, we find most of Pranayama Yoga exercises which are always based on a precise cycle with the counting of seconds on each phase of the breath: inspiration, full pause, expiration, empty pause.
There are hundreds of Yoga techniques with completely different cycles. In Yoga, we talk about ratios. For example, an inspiration time for two expiration times accompanied by two full retention times and four empty retention times.
Complex, isn’t it? For the stressed and tired person, the practice of Yoga is completely inadequate!
Even Yoga teachers sometimes get lost, or worse, they do not know what will generate these different cycles and ratios in their body and mind, and even less about the physiology of their students!
It took me years to understand the precise impact of the Pranayama exercises and, honestly, it is a very advanced art that does not fit the general public at all.
Moreover, at the time, the practice of Pranayama was reserved only for certain initiates because this practice was considered dangerous if it was badly practiced!
Obviously, the danger lies in hyperventilation, and today most practitioners fall into the trap. Just do the two alternative tests that I presented above to see if you hyperventilate or not.
During my practice, I met only a few healthy people (adrenal type) with 37°C - 98.8°F and 40 seconds of minimum apnea in the morning.
To tell the truth, these people are not interested in their breathing because they already unconsciously have perfect breathing.
One thing is certain, and these people all have one thing in common: they have experienced NO emotional trauma in their past. Indeed, emotions are the worst enemies of your breathing, because they make you chronically hyperventilate because of the somatised emotions that still live in your body.
People who have not experienced any emotional shock are now rare.
To return to Intermittent Breathing, you just have to integrate a single rule about the cyclic form!
You should NEVER pause after an inspiration, as many unsophisticated therapists recommend.
Indeed, doing what is known as full lung retention will stress your reptilian brain, which will require the adrenal glands to produce maximum adrenaline.
What a disaster for your precious Jing!
Don’t you think life is stressful enough to go over-solicit your poor endocrine system with a new dose of adrenaline?
At the time, the yogis practiced these exercises in caves, ashrams removed from the world and stress.
Full lung retention was the only way they could experience the effects of stress and adrenaline.
In our time, we do not need it because we already live in a world in perpetual stress where calm no longer exists, where time never stops ...
This is why Intermittent Breathing excludes all forms of full lung retention (after inspiration) to favor only empty lung retention (after expiration).
Vacuum pauses (after expiration) have the opposite effect of full breaks.
They put your adrenal glands at rest, they deactivate all the stress in the reptilian brain, they stop the hyperventilation, they allow the CO2 to accumulate according to your threshold of tolerance, and obviously they boost your metabolism and your oxygenation in producing more energy.
But this energy comes from an optimal cellular metabolism, not the stress of adrenaline.
And you?
What energy do you fuel each day?
In what world do you live everyday life?
Stress, anxiety and adrenaline? Or powerful cellular energy?
The cyclic form of Intermittent Breathing (vacuum retention) will thus gradually take you from the world of stress to the world of regeneration.
The split form
It's about breathing much less but throughout the full day.
In this category, for example, we find apnea exercises (empty lung retention) that will be longer than usual.
Of course, it is impossible to do respiratory apnea after each of your expirations, but you can do it from time to time, as a formal exercise to boost your metabolism without stress.
The intermittent form of Intermittent Breathing also corresponds to the breathing you have during intense training (HIIT). During your short session, you will make maximum physical effort. This will force your cells to operate in anaerobic (oxygen-free) mode.
For example, during a 100-meter sprint, you hardly breathe ... however, when you are done, your cells return to aerobic mode (with oxygen) and your ventilation will increase dramatically to oxygenate all of your cells (Bohr & afterburn effect).
But if you hold your breath for more than a minute (apnea), when you catch your breath you will also experience the same "afterburn" effect with increased ventilation!
Physiologically, a long apnea with empty lungs is like sprinting on the track. Internally, your cells live the same process (anaerobic then aerobic + afterburn).
The danger of split form is to overdo it. Once again, doing it excessively hurts your health even when it comes to breathing. You have to practice in an intelligent way, and I will show you exactly how to do it.
It is not by practicing the split form of Intermittent Breathing all day long that you will get better oxygenated—on the contrary, you risk stressing yourself and exhausting yourself.
You must follow very specific rules to never exceed your limits. We need a perfectly individualized approach because we all have different limits (different CO2 tolerance threshold).
While the yogi will be able to make an apnea with empty lungs (after expiration) of several minutes, the sick person will not hold more than 10 seconds. At the time, my test was 9 seconds, and I guarantee you that I was in a real trouble!
Fortunately, today I have normalized my oxygenation and all my old health problems have disappeared.
🔥 But rest assured, I will explain to you precisely how to adjust your practice to perfectly respect your personal level so you can progress faster without any stress!
When some coaches ask you to constantly exceed your limits to evolve, I always recommend to respect your limits by placing you just below of the red line, because to respect your physiological limits is also to respect your reptilian brain, the one that precisely fixes your physiological limits!
And in terms of breathing, it is only by respecting your animal brain that he will agree to push back your CO2 tolerance threshold, otherwise you will live in perpetual stress, infused with adrenaline!
The ultimate form (the exclusive one I'm going to teach you in a few minutes)
The three previous forms (constant, cyclic, fractional) are all interesting for repackaging your breathing. But they come back to looking exactly like all the other methods I've criticized, i.e., doing breathing exercises.
Intermittent Breathing is not a breathing exercise! It's a question of breathing perfectly according to your state of health, your environment, your stress, your activity, and your thoughts.
Intermittent Breathing is not an exercise where you have to count seconds—it's a process that makes you breathe perfectly, no matter what time of day or where you are.
The ultimate form of Intermittent Breathing no longer requires any breathing exercises, because your breath is perfect breath after breath, second after second!
Millions of people practice breathing every day for 20-30 minutes and then breathe poorly (hyperventilate) the rest of the day.
Worse, most of these people practice hyperventilation exercises directly ... then they live in the world with a breath even more chaotic! This is easily verified with the two alternative tests above.
Through my training in Intermittent Breathing, I met and helped thousands of these people to quickly normalize their dysfunctional breathing (hyperventilation) by stopping general exercises but relying instead on their physical sensations.
So for the ultimate form of Intermittent Breathing, you do not need to make it a punctual exercise because each of your breaths becomes perfect, second after second.
❤ By practicing the ultimate form of intermittent breathing, which is the ideal rhythm of your breathing, you instantly reduce your stress and anxiety, and your body can begin to regenerate.
Progression to the ultimate form of Intermittent Breathing
It's all well and good to read and fill your head with information about breathing, but to become a master, you have to practice, you have to experiment, and you have to constantly observe it.
In any process of personal evolution, there are four stages:
1) First, you are unconsciously incompetent. You do not know that you breathe badly, you just know that you are stressed and tired (anxiety disorders, fears, depression, etc). It's actually managed unconsciously by your reptilian brain.
2) Secondly, you are consciously incompetent. You know that you breathe badly. You are currently at this stage because by having done the two alternative tests above (temperature + apnea after expiration), you have discovered that you do not have the optimal metabolism that offers perfect breathing.
You also begin to become aware of the daily stress generated by your reptilian brain (hyperventilation).
3) Thirdly, you are consciously competent. You know that you breathe well because you pay attention.
You will reach this next stage when you practice the basic technique of Intermittent Breathing.
In this way, you will manipulate your reptilian brain by constantly and intelligently quieting it.
4) And finally fourth, you are unconsciously competent. You no longer know that you breathe well because you completely reconditioned your breath but especially your reptilian brain by deactivating any stress.
For example, I personally took several years to modify small details in my breathing to make it perfect.
It ranges from the perfection of your posture to the correctness of your state of mind through the precision of your way of speaking, etc.
These four steps cannot be done overnight, but you must start today to choose the path of regeneration rather than suffering.
But now you know the way and the final goal, breathe perfectly and forget about it just to live free, happy and relaxed, perpetually in the moment!
But before you master your breathing, you will have to pay full attention to it. It reminds me of the Buddha's main teaching that said, "Just follow your breath because it will bring you to the liberation of all your suffering."
Of course, the great men and women of all times have understood this: your true power is in your breath. Be careful, because it is not in your adrenaline shot, but in your perfect breathing second after second!
But there are several questions now ...
Are you ready to put yourself on the path of regeneration to eliminate all your stress and regain all your energy?
Are you ready to recondition your breath to get a morning temperature of 37°C - 98.8°F as well as an apnea with empty lungs after a minimum of 40 seconds (sign of a strong metabolism)?
Are you ready to develop your true inner power?
To be free from stress, anxiety and your unconscious fears? To be able to choose without the weight of your past conditioning? To be happy and relaxed whatever the external circumstances (which are only worsening in our current world)?
At the time, Life clearly forced me to choose: to evolve or to suffer...
I chose evolution by relearning to breathe well, and Life gave me modern powers such as health, healing, and happiness. For that, I give my eternal gratitude.
❤ So, in return, I can only share with you the power of Intermittent Breathing.
The ultimate way to develop your inner power
What do you choose? Suffering or learning to breathe with Intermittent Breath?
🙏 Intermittent breathing saved my life! By practicing it daily, I released myself from suffering, whether it was physical (stress, anxiety disorders and health problems), emotional (fears and emotions), or psychological (negative thoughts).
As a young teenager, I was already experiencing depression, generalized anxiety, phobias, burnout, digestive problems (allergies), etc ...
Everything disappeared in just a few months (after suffering for years)!
By simply regulating two physiologically approved standards of science:
- 37 ° C / 98.8 ° F body temperature (36.6 ° C / 97.9 ° F minimum) in the morning upon waking (Dr. Broda Barnes’ test)
- At least 40 seconds for the empty-lung apnea test after waking up in the morning (McArdle et al, 2000 or Dr. Buteyko's test)
By normalizing these two variables, I simply normalized the proper functioning (oxygenation) of my billions of cells, and therefore the proper functioning of my metabolism.
As we have seen, your energy production depends essentially on your oxygenation, which is dependent on your CO2 concentration (Bohr effect), which is itself dependent on your CO2 tolerance threshold (managed by the reptilian brain).
Moreover, a high concentration of CO2 makes it possible to breathe less and thus to deactivate stress and hyperventilation!
More energy and less stress!
It all depends on one and only one important factor: your CO2 tolerance threshold managed by your reptilian brain.
For millennia, breath control has always been the most powerful weapon to control and soothe your reptilian brain to push back your CO2 tolerance. It is precisely this variable that will activate and develop your inner power!
Remember the description of Dr. Henry Bieler, a good OXIDATION confers powers such as:
- physical energy without limit
- body temperature rarely below 37 °
- perfect digestion and detoxification
- ability to eat all types of food without any discomfort
- perfectly developed and tonic muscles
- absence of fatigue
- spectacular muscular endurance
- fast peristalsis (rapid digestion)
- blood with more red blood cells
- perfect concentration of white blood cells and spectacular immunity
- phlegmatic disposition (patient, jovial, calm, relaxed, warm heart, will have sympathy)
- perfect circulation (warm and magnetic hands)
This description of Dr. Bieler’s has long been a motivation for me. Indeed, my adventure in the world of breathing began with these two terrifying results:
- 35.8 ° C - 96.4 ° F waking in the morning (standard at 36.6 ° C - 97.9 ° F minimum)
- 9 seconds at breath test after expiration (standard at 40 seconds minimum)
At that time, I lived in perpetual physical and psychological suffering. I was exhausted all day, I was anxious and constantly shaken by terrible negative emotions, and my mind never found rest, which caused me exhausting insomnia and completely irrational and negative thoughts!
It was terrible! A disastrous situation caused simply by hyperventilation (itself caused by emotional shocks that disrupted/accelerated my breathing ).
But luckily, I quickly learned to breathe properly (breathe less). I practiced Intermittent Breathing assiduously by instituting respiratory pauses (retentions) and I completely eliminated my hyperventilation!
This deactivated the entire stress response of the very powerful reptilian brain, which allowed me to regenerate quickly!
A few months later, to my surprise, all my health problems completely disappeared! It took me a few months to restore my temperature (36.6 ° C - 97.9 ° F minimum in the morning) and reach an apnea time of 25 seconds (which corresponds to the modern standard according to Dr. Buteyko).
But it took me more than a year to reach 40 seconds (normal oxygenation). As I said in my introduction, by reaching this physiological norm, I went from hell to paradise on Earth! As I often say, Paradise is not a place, but an interior physiological state!
Over the years, I have developed a method for my own needs to increase these variables (temperature and CO2 tolerance threshold). At the time, I had no intention of offering it on the Internet, but the more time passed and the more I realized the hidden power of breathing.
Then, I finally decided to teach this method of breathing to the general public, or rather to an already informed public. Indeed, just reading and understanding the information in this official guide is unfortunately not given to everyone...
If you are reading these words, it is because you have already passed the first level. Bravo!
The method is simple however: breathe less to stop hyperventilation (stress) and improve oxygenation (energy)! But the understanding of the underlying physiology requires a little more gray matter (neurons).
But beware! Understanding alone will not be enough for you to gain inner power (more energy and less stress), only practice will profoundly transform you!
Through my face-to-face coaching and online training, I've already helped thousands of people normalize their metabolism (more energy and less stress) with Intermittent Breathing.
There are no wacky theories, but very practical exercises that make 100% of the people who follow my training necessarily increase their results to the two alternative tests that you have discovered (temperature and apnea after expiration).
That's exactly what I propose right now: discover and practice the basic technique of Intermittent Breathing to quickly increase your energy and decrease your stress. You can check it for yourself with two alternative tests.
Trust me when I say that the first lesson is worth its weight in gold!
In the program of this first module:
- I hope you liked my presentation, but enough theory for now—it’s time to practice! I will explain in detail how to practice the basic technique.
- This powerful technique is totally exclusive to my Intermittent Breathing Method. It is not taught in any other method, not yoga, sophrology, the Buteyko method, Qiqong, or anywhere else. I have personally developed it thanks to my experience, my knowledge, and the feedback of my clients.
- This technique is scalable and highly customizable. It can be practiced by everyone, from the youngest to the oldest, from the sickest to the healthiest.
This breathing technique corresponds precisely to the ideal rhythm that each of your breaths should have (the ultimate form of Intermittent Breathing).
- You will discover the subtle details that will make all the difference. You will be surprised to instantly increase your body temperature and oxygenation.
Obviously, it will be necessary to practice regularly so that the method and the respiratory rhythm integrate unconsciously.
- I'm going to reveal to you how to tame your reptilian brain intelligently, because in the end, it is that part of your brain which increases or decreases the most important variable of your metabolism, your threshold of tolerance to CO2.
This requires a very specific state of mind that will determine the success or failure of your regeneration.
It is surely not to be passive as in meditation, or even to exceed your limits as advocated by coaches in NLP or the sports world. The secret lies in the middle ground, and I will explain exactly how to do it.
- You will learn the little secret to stay in what is called a zone of adaptation (law of hormesis) to disable any stress on your reptilian brain, but especially to adapt and evolve quickly.
But this breathing technique, unlike the others, will make you evolve quickly in the total absence of stress (and adrenaline).
The goal is again and again to improve your results in the two alternative tests above (Buteyko and Barnes).
- 99% of people who contact me for a diaphragm blocking have already practiced deep diaphragmatic breathing without success (often for several years).
I will explain precisely why neither deep breathing nor diaphragmatic breathing will permanently unlock your diaphragm.
Obviously, I'll reveal the secret to quickly relax your diaphragm by practicing Intermittent Breathing to an almost immediate effect.
This information comes from my years of respiratory coaching, which you will not find anywhere else.
- I will explain precisely why people who breathe too much (hyperventilation) not only have a lower level of consciousness, but a lower level of happiness than people who breathe little (but well).
I will reveal to you the secret to experience states of mental calm, emotional peace, and inner happiness that no meditation technique can offer you.
At the time, a few months of Intermittent Breath practice allowed me to experience states of bliss that years of intensive meditation never offered me. You will be surprised!
- You'll discover little tricks on breathing that no other method and no other coach will reveal to you.
How can I be so sure? This information comes from my personal practice and my coaching.
I also bought and followed all the methods available on the Internet, so I know exactly what is happening in the community.
You will discover that Intermittent Breathing is a unique protocol of its own kind.
- By ordering this very first module, you will have the opportunity to access my complete training (30 optional modules) to further deepen your practice of Intermittent Breathing.
- By ordering this first module, you will be added to my mailing list and you will receive exclusive information on breathing that no other coach will ever offer you.
This information is not from books or teachers, but from hundreds of coaching sessions (online and face-to-face) and my personal practice.
If you believe in the power of breathing, here is the only list on which you should be registered.
Instant benefits of this exclusive technique:
- You will instantly increase your metabolism. How will you know? You will quickly feel your body temperature increase (oxygenation effect of CO2). The goal will be to maintain it 24/7 (high metabolism), which will require a little more practice.
- You will instantly reduce your stress and anxiety. How will you know? You will feel much more physically calm, but especially mentally (sedative effect of CO2). You will feel the soothing effects in less than a few minutes.
- You will feel much more physically relaxed, which will instantly unlock the most important muscle in your body: your diaphragm, the muscle of breathing (thanks to the CO2 expansion effect).
Obviously, it will be necessary to practice regularly to sustainably maintain this relaxing effect.
- Are you looking for emergency breathing to instantly stop your anxiety, asthma, or panic attacks? It's the most powerful and fastest breathing technique to relax by normalizing your internal physiological state.
You will find your calm in less than a few minutes. This technique worked on 100% of people who contacted me for a problem of intense stress (anxiety).
- You can quickly experience very subtle inner states and live in the present moment (a state of peaceful consciousness beyond illusory thoughts of the past and the future, which can become very oppressive).
- And many other physical, emotional, and psychic effects that you will discover for yourself...
I look forward to sharing my knowledge of Intermittent Breathing.
❤ Your happiness will do mine!
So we find ourselves immediately in this first module (Video + Text Transcription) just after your order to discover the basic exercise of Intermittent Breathing.
It is a simple exercise, powerful but very subtle that will revolutionize your metabolism (more energy and less stress).
If you liked this walk-through on Intermittent Breathing, be sure to order the following full training!
PS: I am so certain of the effectiveness of this breathing technique that I will pay you back if it has no effect on you (increase your body temperature + appease your body and mind).
Loris Vitry