How to balance yin yang to increase your vital energy?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

One can define one's chi / ki as the energy of life and it is found under different names in other cultures such as "qi" in Japan or "prana" in India.

Chi is used to heal the body from a physical and mental point of view to unlock our full potential.

You must first perform several physical and breathing exercises until you achieve your total life force.

Once you master all of this, you will be able to increase your chi to develop your spirituality and energy.

YIN YANG Balance

How to harmonize yin and yang?

Chi means willpower and it is a first name of Vietnamese origin.

Chi corresponds to a vital breath which is an alternation of the circulation of yin and yang.

It is possible to increase your vital energy through a method of breathing that allows for spiritual upliftment.

You have to start by relaxing so that you can breathe properly.

You have to focus on yourself, forgetting everything else.

You can sit on a chair with your back supported so that it is straight and your feet firmly on the floor.

Spread your knees which should be in line with the shoulders.

If you prefer to sit on the floor, take the lotus position or the tailor.

To breathe as deeply as possible, you have to let your chest relaxed and focus on your diaphragm.

It is important to be aware of the air you breathe in and out.

When you use your diaphragm to breathe, you can take in and out more air.

Although it is a bit complicated at first, over time you will improve.

It should be practiced as often as possible.

A very important point is to succeed in completely clearing your mind.

It is very difficult because you are always thinking of something.

But for these breathing exercises to be successful, this is essential.

For about 5 minutes or more if you can, be totally focused on stilling your mind.

Each time you breathe in or breathe out, it will represent yin and yang.

How to increase your vital energy?

In order to increase your chi, you must first master your breathing.

Then once this is done, you can also move on to the practice of taïchi, qi qong or even yoga.

It consists of several movements but you have to start with the basic practices.

The last point to increase your chi is work on your mind and spirituality (opening of the heart).

This will obviously involve a release of the diaphragm, the energy heart of the body, where the most CHI circulates in your nervous system.

Releasing your diaphragm means breathing better by using diaphragmatic breathing with the stomach rather than high breathing with the rib cage (stress).

Unlocking your diaphragm will therefore be inevitable if you want to learn how to balance yin yang and increase your vital energy internally.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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