Hypoxia: what are the signs of a lack of oxygen?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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Respiration is the mechanism that supplies the body with oxygen.

The latter lands in the lungs before circulating in the blood and participating in the proper functioning of all organs.

However, for one reason or another, the body can lack oxygen.

Hypoxia what are the signs of a lack of oxygen

This is called hypoxia.

This anomaly can have serious consequences such as brain damage, heart failure, stroke, etc.

To do this, it is important to understand the symptoms of hypoxia so that you can quickly take the necessary measures.

Hypoxia: what should you know?

Before getting to the symptoms of lack of oxygen in the body, it is important to know more about the pathology and its causes.

In fact, we speak of hypoxia when the quantity of oxygen supplied by the red blood cells is less than the oxygen needs of the body's tissues.

Moreover, it does not only refer to a decrease in the amount of oxygen contained in the blood.

In some cases, hypoxia is due to the inability of the tissues to fix and use the oxygen supplied by the blood through respiration.

The origins of the problem being diverse, a distinction is made between cerebral, fetal, hypoxemic and cytotoxic hypoxia.

We also speak of hypoxia of anemia and circulatory hypoxia.

It can occur in anyone, but those at risk are asthmatics, divers, smokers, and people at risk for anemia and stroke.

In terms of consequences, hypoxia can lead to cyanosis, anoxia, stroke, and neurological or brain damage.

What are the symptoms of a lack of oxygen?

When the human body is low on oxygen to support itself, there are signs that can alert you.

However, symptoms will generally vary from patient to patient.

As a result, it is not always easy to recognize them.

Here are the main signs of hypoxia.


Headaches and headaches are common symptoms.

In addition, they are mild and therefore rarely draw attention to possible serious illness.

However, frequent headaches can be a sign that your tissues are low on oxygen.

This should especially attract your attention when accompanied by dizziness, a feeling of torpor or poor synchronization of the movements you undertake.

Indeed, when the tissues do not have enough oxygen to function optimally, it creates a lack which causes an accumulation of toxic substances in the blood.

This situation will therefore be the basis of headaches, lack of concentration and coordination.

Chronic fatigue

Just like the first symptom, this one does not directly suggest hypoxia, but you should think about it when certain conditions are met.

It is not a question here of a sudden fatigue due to a specific activity or a particular situation, it is a question of almost permanent fatigue.

Indeed, as you probably already know, oxygen works a bit like a fuel in the body.

Thus, hypoxia leads to fatigue.

You no longer have the ability to do the activities you once did with great ease.

Breathing difficulties

Breathing problems or difficulties are also possible signs of hypoxia.

A person who has it will be constantly short of breath, whether they are at rest or doing some activity.

She will therefore have difficulty breathing normally, but for no apparent reason.

Heart palpitations and tachycardia

In order to pump more oxygen into the blood, the heart starts beating faster.

These desperate attempts by the heart will lead to palpitations and an abnormal heart rhythm.

In case you are not an anxiety-prone person, it is imperative to see a medical specialist when you notice this sign.

Apart from these symptoms, this pathology can also be manifested by:

  • an inability to properly move your body;
  • cyanosis, the skin (especially the extremities and lips) takes on a bluish appearance;
  • sleep disorders (insomnia or drowsiness);
  • nausea followed by vomiting;
  • cognitive or behavioral disorders.

To avoid suffering serious and irreversible consequences, you should definitely seek medical attention when you notice these signs.

Ultimately, this is the information that will allow you to identify a potential lack of oxygen in the tissues.

However, it is only a medical diagnosis that can confirm it.

Regarding management, it depends not only on the cause, but also on the course and severity of symptoms.

However, it usually boils down to delivering oxygen to patients in various ways and on a case-by-case basis.

The solution to overcome hypoxia

Your body is low on oxygen, so let's give it more!

This is the reaction of the entire medical profession, but also of all alternative therapists.

Unfortunately, cellular hypoxia can occur ESPECIALLY when you take in TOO MUCH oxygen.

During hyperventilation caused by stress or voluntary breathing exercises, your CO2 levels decrease.

And it is actually this CO2 that allows the good oxygenation of your body.

So all the symptoms of hypoxia are often actually symptoms of hypocapnia (low concentration of CO2).

The solution is therefore not to increase your oxygen supply, but to increase your production of CO2 internally.

How? 'Or' What ? Wearing a mask, breathing in a bag, physical activity, nasal breathing, diaphragmatic breathing, intermittent breathing, etc.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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