Chronic hiccups: causes and remedies?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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Phrenoglottic myoclonus or hiccups is a reaction of the body which is due to successive, brief, involuntary and uncontrollable contractions of the muscles of the diaphragm.

While it is true that a hiccup is mostly harmless, it can happen that it becomes.

What are the causes of hiccups? What to do to cure it when it becomes chronic?

Chronic hiccups

What are the causes of hiccups?

The causes of hiccups are many and varied and clearly define its type.

Mild or acute hiccups

The mild hiccups only last a few moments.

We quickly understand that it is the most widespread.

Although it is momentary, it often has the merit of putting the person who is the victim in a very unpleasant situation.

The main cause of this type of hiccup is distension of the stomach.

It originates from the consumption of carbonated or alcoholic drinks or the consumption of too large meals.

Acute hiccups can also be caused by a sudden change in temperature or irritation of the nerves in the diaphragm.

Apart from these causes, you can also experience mild hiccups if you have a habit of eating your meals too fast.

Persistent and refractory (chronic) hiccups

Unlike the first, this type of hiccups can last at least 48 hours (persistent) or more than a month (refractory).

It is in the majority of cases associated with serious pathologies.

The latter can thus be caused by various diseases of the stomach, esophagus, etc.

Apart from these causes, there are also many benign tumors.

It has also been proven that cancer patients can suffer from it as well.

Despite all this, in recent years there have been many cases of hiccups in people with diabetes and alcoholism.

How to treat hiccups?

The treatment of hiccups depends greatly on the progress and type of the latter.

Thus, there are natural and medical methods that can help you overcome phrenoglottic myoclonus.

The natural method

For a mild hiccup, specialists very often recommend holding your breath as long as possible first.

An action that can be replaced if necessary by a slow and very deep exhalation.

In the same vein, it is also possible to treat acute hiccups by breathing into a bag or by drinking a good glass of water with your head upside down.

Similarly, you can also overcome mild hiccups by compressing your diaphragm.

This type of hiccup can also be combated by massaging your cervical plexus.

Apart from these natural means, to treat acute phrenoglottic myoclonus you can also:

  • suck on a piece of ice or a piece of sugar;
  • provoke very strong emotion in the person who has the hiccups;
  • try to increase the concentration of CO2 in your lungs;
  • to eat dry bread;
  • taste very slowly a solution made from 2 drops of mandarin essential oil and a teaspoon of honey;
  • take ginseng or dill, etc.

So many little tips that will help you fight this disease and feel much better.

The drug method

When the hiccups become persistent, a health care practitioner may recommend centrally acting neuroleptics.

These include drugs that will work in your brain to help you regain health.

Among the latter, mention may be made of haloperidol, chlorpromazine, etc.

However, in view of their area of ​​action, the patient who takes them must necessarily benefit from medical assistance during the duration of their treatment.

Apart from medication, it is also possible for cases of chronic hiccups to resort to therapy.

Those that are most often used in this context are osteopathy and acupuncture.

However, for this treatment to be effective, it is first necessary to identify the real causes of hiccups.

In some cases, you will be recommended to use homeopathy.

Ultimately, although hiccups are a harmless reaction for most of the time, it is important to be careful.

Thus, if this phrenoglottic myoclonus becomes rebellious, you will have to consult a doctor as soon as possible to avoid finding yourself in a very unpleasant situation.

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