Blocked throat: what if breathing well was the solution?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

As you might expect, a blocked or knotted throat is a very unpleasant sensation.

Even though it may seem fleeting, it must be taken seriously as soon as it occurs.

There are many recommended solutions to get rid of it.

Blocked throat

What if breathing well was the solution to a blocked throat? Let's find out!

Manifestations and causes of blocked throat syndrome

The first impression you will have is the presence of a sort of lump in the throat.

This knot in the throat causes difficulty in swallowing and swallowing.

Some people also experience congestion, a strong urge to cough, or painful irritation.

Still others have a feeling of strangulation and cannot breathe at all for a short time.

In addition, the causes of this sensation are various.

  • GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease

GERD is a digestive disease that occurs when bile or gastric juice causes irritation to the lining of the esophagus.

Acid reflux follows, along with heartburn which can also sometimes lead to a blocked throat.

  • A viral or bacterial infection

It could well be tonsillitis, mononucleosis, laryngitis or pharyngitis.

Either of these infections causes a sore throat followed by persistent discomfort.

  • Stenosis of the esophagus and scleroderma

Stenosis of the esophagus involves the narrowing of the diameter of this organ.

It makes it difficult for food to pass through.

As for scleroderma, it causes the appearance and then the development of a kind of scar tissue.

This leads to a hardening of the tissues and then to a loss of flexibility.

The esophagus can no longer perform its normal movements of automatic contraction to advance food.

Breathing to loosen a blocked throat

In many cases, breathing becomes the ultimate solution to getting rid of a lump in the throat, if the problem is related to stress and negative emotions.

It may seem like an everyday fact, but it must be recognized that many people cannot breathe.

Indeed, the latter adopt a spasmodic, nervous, closed and short breathing in the top of their thorax.

This way of breathing creates continuous pressure on the vocal cords.

They are called upon more than they should.

In the long run, they end up getting tired.

It is then essential at this time to free his rib cage to allow the lungs to receive air.

You must not fail to fill your column with air at the base of the lungs.

You can opt for abdominal breathing, which consists of sitting with your back straight and putting one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach.

You should then breathe in very slowly through your nose, and breathe out keeping the same rhythm.

As you exhale, make sure you get as much air out of the lungs as you contract your abdominals.

Thus, 10 to 15 repetitions of the exercise are enough to make this feeling of blocked throat disappear.

Breathing walking can also be very helpful.

The advantage is that it can be done even in a small place.

It will be enough to get up and start walking very slowly while trying to relax.

You have to inhale on 3 steps and breathe out on 5 more steps.

As with abdominal breathing, 10 breaths are also enough to feel better.

However, they can be increased by 10, or 20 repetitions.

Afterwards, you will have to return to normal breathing, that is to say let go of your breath without modifying it.

Other solutions for blocked throat

If breathing is an option that works every time, you should not forget to go to a doctor.

A blocked throat can hide another problem that only a medical diagnosis could reveal.

In fact, if the origin of the sensation is physical, surgery could be considered.

It will lead the doctor to remove the foreign body found in the throat of the person concerned.

It can also happen that a simple sore throat is at the base of the blocked throat.

In this case, the doctor will prescribe antibiotic treatment.

In the worst case, a knotted throat can be a warning sign of the onset of cancer.

So remember that this syndrome should not be neglected.

To get rid of it quickly if this ailment is related to stress, breathing remains a solution that works.

So don't hesitate to try it.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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