Shortness of breath when speaking : how to breathe the right way ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Do you suffer from shortness of breath during public presentations or other times of conversation?

Are you chasing your breath?

You will then find that any attempt to take control of it will make your breathing worse.

But what helps then?

Shortness of breath when speaking

Shortness of breath and dyspnea: causes

The breathlessness at least effort is based on the idea that something is wrong with your breathing, making you dizzy, nauseous, or short of breath.

If you breathe normally, air containing relatively large amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide enters the lungs, which are absorbed by the carbon dioxide that you breathe out.

If you breathe too much now, there is a lot more oxygen than carbon dioxide.

Your body is sounding the alarm bells because the balance is upset, causing all kinds of physical problems.

Breathing: speak with power and confidence thanks to a simple technique

One of the most important techniques for speaking with more power, confidence and confidence is a very simple technique.

Ask singers, athletes, yoga practitioners or airplane pilots what their most important technique is and they will respond in the same way. One of the secrets to speaking with more confidence and dynamism: diaphragmatic breathing.

Learn to breathe

We hear you thinking, "I can now breathe."

Quite true, we cannot live without breathing. In this case, it is not the natural breathing to continue living, but the breathing that you need to talk about.

When you talk to an audience, you need more oxygen to produce sound.

Also, you need to breathe out longer than normal.

Talking is nothing more than a controlled exhalation.

To speak well in public, the so-called diaphragmatic breathing is a necessity.

It is important that you unlearn shallow breathing.

During diaphragmatic breathing, you use your diaphragm to breathe.

By using the diaphragm instead of the thorax, your lungs can expand further, allowing you to breathe much more deeply.

The result: more air and more oxygen, so you speak clearer and louder.

The advantages of breathing through the diaphragm

Exercise regularly and diaphragmatic breathing will become your usual breathing.

The result: you will speak louder and therefore appear more confident and convincing.

It may sound a bit of a stretch, to speak better while breathing differently, but it is certainly true.

After all, diaphragmatic breathing is more than just another way to breathe:

1.It slows down your heart rate and calms you physically because as you breathe more deeply, your lungs get more oxygen.

This slows down your heart rate and makes you feel a lot less stressed by decreasing your nervousness.

2. Your brain is getting more oxygen. Because you have more oxygen, you feel sharper.

3.It changes your attitude and your appearance. Abdominal breathing keeps you from "collapsing".

4. You speak with authority.

Talking is nothing more than a controlled exhalation.

More oxygen provides a deeper and louder sound.

Your audience will see you as an authority.

5. You get more volume at the end of your sentences.

The most important words come at the end of the sentence: the punch.

Because you get more oxygen, you can empower those last few sentences.

6. You seem more confident.

You are not nervous, you are quick and have a good attitude, you make good use of your voice and your last words in a sentence are powerful.

You give your audience the impression that you have everything under control and that you know manage stress.

Good breathing is a crucial technique for a good speaker in every situation.

Learn about the intermittent breathing method to allow you to breathe more calmly so you can talk without getting out of breath (dyspnea).

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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