How to unlock the middle of the back?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

When we talk about back pain, we are commonly talking about lower back pain, which is the series of disorders that affect the lower part of the spine, the nerves, and the connected musculature.

However, back pain can also be found in the upper back, in the rib cage and shoulder blades.

How to unlock the middle of the back

Excessive exertion, poor posture, and poorly executed sports and fitness activities are also the main causes of pain in this area of ​​the back.

These pains can be joint, muscle or nervous.

More rarely, it comes from pathologies such as a herniated disc, which is much more common in the lumbar vertebrae.

These pains can be treated with natural remedies such as diaphragmatic breathing for example.

Pain points and pain in the middle of the back

Back to middle back problems are very annoying and can make you feel limited in performing your daily activities.

Complaints in the middle of the back can arise from a variety of factors.

The best way to deal with these complaints depends on the person and the cause of the complaints.

Complaints in the middle of the back can manifest in different ways.

The pain can be constant, but it can only occur when you are performing a certain activity.

In most cases, complaints in the middle of the back occur gradually.

The most common causes are back imbalance, inactivity, fatigue and especially poor breathing.

Did you know that the solution to your pain could be simple and natural?

By just adjusting your breathing?

How fast are you breathing?

Normally your breathing rate should be six breaths per minute.

Some people who breathe ten to twenty times per minute receive long-term back complaints because they breathe too fast and build up tension in their body.

Maybe you still remember your biology class?

To breathe is to breathe in oxygen and to breathe out carbon dioxide.

Oxygen enters your lungs through the nose and / or mouth through the windpipe.

Oxygen enters the bloodstream from the lungs and throughout your body.

On the exhale, you exhale excess carbon dioxide.

By breathing too fast, we breathe too much oxygen and too little carbon dioxide.

The carbonic acid stays in your body so to speak and relieves your muscles.

In the long term, you will develop the following ailments: lower back and muscle pain which will disappear with good breathing.

Learn the right breathing to relieve the middle back

According to experts, the pain in the middle of the back does not stop until after correcting your posture.

It is important to consciously adopt a correct attitude and to maintain it constantly throughout the day.

To do this, it is important to activate your diaphragm.

To escape your bad attitude, it is important to learn to breathe completely.

This will activate your diaphragm and restore the position of your pelvis.

Finding out and treating the cause of your back pain is essential.

Loris, Breathing Coach, will be happy to help you remedy or reduce your back pain.

Thanks to its breathing method, your body will be relaxed and you will feel more peaceful.

You suppress adrenaline, give your elevated respiratory muscles a break, and even switch from burning glucose to burning fat.

You will notice improvement after a few days.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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