Chronic insomnia: breathe well to sleep quickly ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

A good night's sleep is essential for your well-being.

It gives you the energy you need to get through the next day, allows you to recover, feel healthy and fit, and maintain your stamina.

You should sleep at least 7-8 hours to rest.

But sometimes sleep is an elusive phenomenon.

We want to sleep but cannot fall asleep.

You may also be sleeping without always getting adequate rest.

Chronic insomnia

How to beat chronic insomnia naturally?

Chronic insomnia, a sleep disorder that affects the quality, duration and efficiency of everyday life.

Poor sleep means being tired during the day.

You feel lifeless, you have little energy, you can't concentrate, and you may even fall asleep during the day.

Sleep problems are well known, especially in women, who are biologically more predisposed than men in different situations such as: menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause.

It is a disorder that commonly affects the elderly, people with other health conditions, and people with socio-economic discomfort.

However, some sporadic episodes of insomnia can happen to anyone and it is not enough to diagnose a problem, but when the insomnia becomes chronic something is wrong here and we have to start looking for its origin.

At first, insomnia becomes "chronic" and this is how the problems start.

“It can be 'only' annoying that you don't sleep well for a few nights.

Insomnia defined as "chronic" generates many other problems such as:

• mood swings;
• reduced attention and memory;
• intolerance towards others;
• difficulties in dealing with unforeseen situations
• Continuous headache

These disorders, if they degenerate, can cause a chronic state of anxiety or depression in the subject, depending on the nature of the individual.

If you have recognized yourself in these cases and you start to fear that you will be lost … rest assured!

You can already take shelter at the first sign of insomnia or even if the situation is more advanced!

How to breathe to sleep faster and more deeply?

All the cells in your body need oxygen to do their jobs.

Oxygen is carried through the red blood cells with the help of the substance hemoglobin.

Through the bloodstream, oxygen goes everywhere and is released to cells.

It requires carbon dioxide. If this system is working well, you have energy and you feel healthy and fit.

Unfortunately, many people breathe faster.

If you breathe too fast, you take in oxygen, but you breathe out a lot of carbon dioxide.

The oxygen that your red blood cells carry cannot be delivered to the cells because there is little CO2.

A shortage of CO2 causes smooth muscle tissue to contract.

The brain then lacks oxygen and is more sensitive to stimuli.

This makes falling asleep or sleeping peacefully almost impossible.

Diaphragmatic breathing can, of course, be a very effective solution to chronic insomnia.

The mind and the body are linked and very often, when one is under tension, the other also follows behind the wheel.

Their mutual influence is not only valid in tension but also in relaxation.

Relaxing the muscles also relaxes the mind and the thoughts of the day go away.

By learning the diaphragmatic breathing method from Loris, Breathing Coach, your sleep problems can be solved.

You will learn to breathe better and your breathing will be calmer and all the cells in your body will receive enough oxygen.

You will find that you sleep better at night and for longer and longer.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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