How to relax your brain to self-soothe?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Daily life is often filled with problems, questions that generate stress.

As we know, this situation is not good for health and therefore for the brain.

Relaxing it allows you to find a necessary inner peace.

The brain and how it works

The organ in the middle of our head is made up of approximately 86 billion neurons.

This nerve cell handles information processing and communication.

This is quite simply what allows us to be endowed with a certain intelligence.

Without neurons, no language, no memory, no emotions.

The senses that we have are therefore useful thanks to the neurons which allow the transmission of information thanks to an electrical substance which they release and which is called a neurotransmitter.

How to relax your brain to self-soothe

If the brain is the scene of the crossing of electric waves, then it can be seen as a generator which is traversed by an electric voltage.

These waves can be measured at their different frequencies, expressed in Hertz, which result from brain activity.

It is possible to classify them into different categories:

  • Gamma waves or concept emergence waves (> 30Hz): this is high-level intense mental activity
  • Beta waves or waves of daily waking activity (13 to 30Hz): produced in active wakefulness
  • Alpha waves or light relaxation waves (8 to 12Hz): The attention is slackened when our arousal state decreases which has the effect of slowing down brain activity. The waves are then of low frequency.
  • Theta waves or deep relaxation waves (4 to 8Hz): they are produced in a state of slow sleep or deep relaxation
  • Delta waves or sleep waves (0.1 to 4Hz): those related to sleep or to the unconscious state

Keys to destress

Finding inner peace goes through a phase of relaxation which is necessary for the brain.

Here are some keys that will allow your body and mind to relax.

Taking time for yourself is very important.

It is essential to listen to your needs, desires and desires in order to achieve the feeling of well-being.

By dint of doing this, you will naturally be more relaxed.

Reading is an activity that allows you to get away from your daily routine.

The words you read and the stories they tell allow you to enter a new world.

It is not for nothing that one advises to read before falling asleep, it soothes the spirit.

Back to childhood with coloring.

When we color something, we focus on not going over and so we focus on that task.

Any problems you can think of are forgotten during this activity.

Sport allows you to clear your mind.

Stress is greatly relieved during a running or swimming session, for example.

Meditation is a powerful key to lasting relaxation.

The brain is an organ that needs to be very oxygenated.

So it ultimately depends on healthy breathing.

This is why yoga therapist Loris V. has developed a free video workshop which, through specific examples and exercises, will allow you to free your diaphragm and therefore have a good quality of breathing.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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