How to relax the mind and body on a daily basis?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Daily life is often filled with stressful things.

The work environment, the overloaded schedule are for example causes for the alteration of our mind.

It is therefore important to relax in order to find inner harmony and improve your daily life.

The current stressful situation

We notice it every day, the world is constantly changing.

In the past, a lot of people worked very hard.

Workers in the 1930s spent 70 hours on the job, with little job security.

Medicine was not as advanced as it is today and family life complicated.

How to relax the mind and body on a daily basis

Today the situation has changed. Now we are complaining about the frequent changes, the amount of information and decisions to be made at work.

Socially, there are relationship difficulties, ranging from communication issues to harassment.

Ways to improve your well-being

As we have seen, several factors can affect your well-being.

This situation cannot go on any longer, it is essential to relax your body and mind to find a healthy daily life.

The environment

Wanting to relax already requires having the intention.

We must be aware that well-being is very important and good physical and mental health is essential.

Relaxation has certain basics that it is important to respect: eat light and balanced meals, have a regular sleep pattern, limit electronic devices and of course exercise frequently.

The environment is important because it will influence your willingness to evolve.

Home must therefore be a calm and restful place (tidy up your things, repair the little things that get in the way, diffuse essential oils).


Sport also acts as a natural stress reliever.

All physical activity such as football, rugby, basketball or handball are team sports that also allow you to form social ties and compete.

If you want to play individual sports or not have a competitive aspect, go for running or swimming.

These sports allow body and mind to relax, but at a pace suitable for everyone and without pressure.


Finally, yoga is classified as a sport capable of rediscovering well-being.

Born in India thousands of years ago, it has the advantage of being open to everyone, beginner or advanced, thanks to the many variations that it is found.

This is a technique called holistic because it takes into account the physical, emotional, mental or even energetic dimensions of a human being.

Yoga then focuses its work on postures, breathing and meditation.

Release your diaphragm

When you are under a stressful situation, your breathing, like your heart rate, quickens.

It is important to control your inhale and exhale so as not to make it worse.

Loris is a breathing coach who created the concept called intermittent breathing.

He has put online a free video workshop that explains how to release your diaphragm in order to feel better.

Before that, he developed the importance of good breathing for health.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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