The anti-stress breathing 4 4 6 2 by Michel Cymes?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Stress is the body's response to a difficult emotional situation.

This naturally occurring reaction causes the body to secrete adrenaline, a hormone that increases the heart rate and makes breathing faster.

It must be said that stress can be beneficial for the body, but when it is frequent, the consequences on health can be unfortunate.

The anti-stress breathing 4 4 6 2 by Michel Cymes

Among the many methods that exist to better manage stress is that of Michel Cymes.

This is anti-stress breathing 4 4 6 2.

Anti-stress breathing: an essential method for breathing well

Breathing is essential for human beings since it is this which allows us to keep the breath of life.

This phenomenon is so natural that we often do not pay attention to it.

And yet, breathing well is not trivial.

You have to know how to do it in order to benefit from its benefits.

You just need to focus for a moment on your breathing to understand what good it does for your body.

Indeed, our breathing has a very close relationship with the emotions we feel.

As soon as a stressful situation arises, our respiratory rate systematically increases.

Fortunately, there are methods such as meditation or yoga which, in addition to providing you with enormous well-being, allow you to know how to breathe correctly.

Here are the many benefits of good stress-relieving breathing.

  • It dramatically reduces your stress level by regulating your heart rate. When you control your breathing, your emotions are also under control and you regain your concentration.
  • It reduces fatigue by bringing enough oxygen to the body and revitalizing the cells.
  • It improves digestion by regulating neurovegetative functions. It also facilitates the assimilation of sugars and fats by the body.

Moreover, in addition to regulating our emotions, good breathing has a direct influence on our health and well-being.

Indeed, it regulates the cardiovascular system, lowers blood pressure and strengthens the body's immune defenses.

It also promotes good blood circulation and balances the nervous system.

To practice very effective anti-stress breathing, let's look at Michel Cymes' 4 4 6 2 method.

You can put it into practice anytime, anywhere.

The anti-stress breathing technique 4 4 ​​6 2 by Michel Cymes

According to several studies carried out in recent years, it has been shown that more than one in two employees experience stressful situations in their professional and family life.

In this category, more than a quarter go through periods of hyperstress.

Indeed, one of the studies focused on 32,000 employees working in more than forty companies and the results are final.

Stress is an integral part of their daily life: therefore impossible to escape it.

Therefore, to regain a state of serenity, it is essential to practice very effective anti-stress exercises like the one recommended by Michel Cymes.

Indeed, when we are stressed, it is obvious that we breathe very badly.

However, it suffices to pay a minimum of attention to the way you breathe to find a form of appeasement.

The stress-relieving breathing method will only take 5 minutes of your time.

No matter where you are, you can practice it.

You just have to think about your breathing when you are stressed, nervous or scared.

Try to distinguish the inspiration from the expiration when they occur.

A good breath fills you with energy and a prolonged exhale slows the pulse.

More concretely, Michel Cymes' “4-4-6-2” method can be done sitting or standing.

You just need to stand up straight for a better result.

Here's how to do it:

  • First, breathe in through your nose for four seconds. You should feel a lot of air filling your lungs.
  • In this second step, hold your breath for the equivalent of four seconds.
  • Then breathe out for six seconds.
  • Finally, take a break equivalent to two times before starting the activity a second time.

The most important thing is to maintain the same pace for 5 minutes.

At the end of the exercise, you will become more relaxed and relieved.

It is a very simple method to perform, but also very effective.

Recommended by American psychologists, it achieves satisfactory results, regardless of the individual and the socio-professional layer to which he belongs.

My advice as a breathing coach

Michel Cymes' technique resembles square breathing except that the times of each phase of breathing are modified.

I note that he prefers to insist on the phase of retention with full lungs rather than on the phase of retention with empty lungs.

This is not without consequences because a full retention increases adrenaline.

In short, it is a technique that can be useful in certain cases, but it should certainly not be generalized because it does not correspond at all to relaxing breathing or even to normal breathing at rest.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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