Shortness of breath while eating or after a meal: what to do?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Shortness of breath is a feeling of discomfort when breathing.

This simple everyday reflex becomes difficult.

In a healthy person, shortness of breath can occur after intense or unusual physical exertion.

Shortness of breath while eating

However, this shortness of breath can occur in some people during or after minimal effort such as eating a meal.

What are the causes ?

In the following lines, we will give you answers to this question.

Causes of shortness of breath during or after a meal

Shortness of breath during eating often occurs when you eat quickly.

A high rhythm causes a large injection of air into your respiratory system.

However, the majority of cases of shortness of breath occur after eating.

In some people, from 30 minutes after a meal, their heart rate increases beyond the level of 100 beats per minute.

This is a phenomenon called tachycardia.

This is the main cause of shortness of breath after eating.

This increased heart rate is caused by eating too fat, too sweet or too salty.

The heart pump is strained more than usual.

This can also happen when you take a high level of caffeine or an energy drink.

Another possibility that can cause shortness of breath is the side effect of some antibiotics.

If you are assigned to medication, consult your doctor to rule out all likelihood.

Shortness of breath after eating is more common in overweight people with respiratory or digestive problems.

For the latter case, intervention in the digestive tract may be necessary.

Diet-related difficulty in breathing can have various causes.

If this happens frequently or on a daily basis, it is a good idea to seek medical advice.

Shortness of breath can indicate other conditions.

You can still check whether your shortness of breath is due to certain foods.

Just write down in a notebook what you ate before the cardiac arrhythmia and compare afterwards.

This will allow you to identify a probable reason.

Some preventive measures

If you experience shortness of breath after frequent eating, consider stopping or reducing your caffeine intake as much as possible.

Avoid animal fats, and check your blood cholesterol levels.

Eat lighter in the evening to promote good digestion.

During the day, eat slowly and divide your food intake into small sections.

Walking after your meal can also improve your digestion.

Choose a diet low in sugar and salt.

When taking meals, make sure not to wear tight clothes at the waist such as a belt and also at the chest.

Smoking can also be a significant cause of shortness of breath, as can alcohol and drugs.

For that, eliminate these types of habits if you find yourself in the case.

Shortness of breath during or after eating can also be a result of your lifestyle or a blockage in your diaphragm.

You can therefore follow this video workshop to deepen the subject.

However, it is important to remember that shortness of breath can be the visible part of an iceberg and hide a more important pathology requiring in-depth treatment.

In case of recurring frequency, always consult a specialist.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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