Shortness of breath at the slightest effort : what to do ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Under stress, our heart rate accelerates, as does our breathing, because the body needs more oxygen to cope with this stress.

However, a little effort should not cause too great a shift in pace.

What to do when shortness of breath occurs at the slightest exertion?

The solution recommended by Loris Vitry, breathing coach.

Shortness of breath at the slightest effort

Shortness of breath at the slightest effort, a warning signal

Shortness of breath is also called dyspnea.

It occurs in a completely normal and frequent manner following a great effort, when the body needs to greatly increase the supply of oxygen.

However, when the slightest little effort takes your breath away, shortness of breath is more of a warning sign to be taken seriously.

Because impromptu shortness of breath can lead to excessive sedentary lifestyle, a factor in other internal disorders.

Mundane tasks like doing daily housework, going for walks, putting on shoes or climbing stairs can become difficult to accomplish.

Eventually, shortness of breath can also result in withdrawal, which itself leads to negative thoughts.

Work your breath

Of course, the breath can be worked, even without becoming a high level athlete.

Regular, less sedentary daily activity causes the body to be strained, and it responds better and better to recurrent exertion.

A healthy lifestyle, such as stopping smoking, is very beneficial for respiratory capacities.

Protecting yourself in the event of a pollution peak also allows you to preserve your breathing as much as possible.

With the advice of a doctor, gradually resuming sport can be a way of working your breath.

Finally, it is possible to make work your diaphragm.

This is the muscle in charge of breathing, which allows the lungs to fill with air and empty, alternately.

Diaphragmatic breathing

It is preferable to breathe with maximum demand on your diaphragm.

We speak of diaphragmatic breathing. It frees the diaphragm linked to the chakra of the heart, which can be retracted in the event of shortness of breath with the slightest effort.

The released diaphragm provides internal massage during inhalation and exhalation movements.

The whole body relaxes but above all we witness the liberation of the pericardium.

The air flow circulates better, the cells provide more oxygen, the rhythm of breathing normalizes and shortness of breath decreases.

Diaphragmatic breathing can be worked on to be optimized.

Because everyone knows this technique, which is nothing less than the way we breathe at birth.

As he grew older, the rhythm of breathing got out of control, until it was totally disordered and ended in shortness of breath.

Loris Vitry, breathing coach, provides everyone with a complete video workshop free of charge, based on his great personal and professional experience.

His instructional videos give tips for better breathing, explaining the most common mistakes made during the breathing process.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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