Nervous depression: how to find the joy of living?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

It happens to everyone to feel sad, demotivated, melancholy.

This state can be temporary, and the upper hand quickly regained.

But sometimes this discomfort is deeper and more lasting.

This is called a nervous breakdown.

How to get out of depression and get better? The solution.

Nervous depression

Nervous breakdown, a lasting flow of negative emotions

Depression is often mistakenly confused with depression.

Life being made up of negative emotions, it can happen to feel low morale, most often for justified and identifiable reasons.

This feeling is only temporary, it will be relegated little by little to the background then will finally disappear.

The nervous breakdown is a deeper malaise.

It is a long-lasting emotional and psychic state, which sometimes arises without identified reasons or which persists for longer than normal.

It is therefore a long and recurring phenomenon, very inconvenient on a daily basis.

How not to sink into a nervous breakdown?

The nervous breakdown is therefore pathological and it can affect everyone, adults as well as children.

It is important to react so as not to let yourself sink, at the risk of feeling more and more anxious, of withdrawing into oneself, or even in the most severe cases of hurting yourself.

It is important to put things into perspective, to force yourself to keep a full social life, so as not to lock yourself in this severe depressive state.

In addition to the risk of isolation and loss of self-confidence, nervous breakdown involves many symptoms: severe fatigue, lassitude, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, headaches, a diaphragm blocked and retracted.

This is a major point.

Getting better after depression, the solution

The contracted diaphragm is indeed very representative of the discomfort that inhabits a person.

Its role is to absorb physical and emotional shocks.

And in the case of depression, the emotional shocks are very intense and often numerous.

The diaphragm is the respiratory muscle.

When it contracts, breathing is disturbed.

The body is no longer properly oxygenated, which disrupts the cells and affects all the organs and muscles.

The functions of the body no longer respond normally, in particular the production of the pleasure hormone, essential to get better when faced with stress, anxieties and a state of depression.

Fortunately, the dysregulation of breathing is not an irrevocable situation.

It is possible to normalize his breathing.

Finding a breath at a normal rate induces an internal massage performed by regular inspirations and expirations.

The body relaxes, and first and foremost the diaphragm.

The released diaphragm is again able to absorb shocks, allows good circulation of air and energy flow.

It is important to follow the advice of a professional to settle your breath, because mistakes are frequently made in this regard.

Yet they can be easily corrected. Loris Vitry, breathing coach and yoga therapist, identified the 7 most frequent errors in his online video workshop and completely free.

He gives us his advice to normalize breathing, according to his own concept: intermittent breathing.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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