Lung cancer: is there a natural treatment?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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Lung cancer is a disease that is most often caused by smoking, passive exposure to cigarette smoke and carcinogenic particles that are present in the air (air pollution and exhaust gases).

It manifests as a permanent cough, persistent fatigue, loss of appetite and weight.

If you have lung cancer, you should know that there are natural approaches that can help you fight it or relieve its side effects.

Lung cancer is there a natural treatment

Which diet to fight against lung cancer?

Regardless of what type of cancer you have, it is always important to eat a good diet so that you have the best possible chance of a cure.

The foods to favor to achieve this are those that are closest to their natural state.

Seasonal vegetables from organic farming and local production are recommended, for example.

Seasonal organic fruits also have the ability to counter this disease thanks to their vitamin content.

It is therefore advisable to consume at least 5 fruits and vegetables per day to regain your well-being.

Regarding the consumption of fruits, you can bet on berries such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and citrus fruits (preferably organic).

As for vegetables, prefer cabbage, orange-colored vegetables such as sweet potato, pumpkin, carrots, etc. (steamed).

Green vegetables like spinach, chard and the like are also good solutions, but in smaller quantities so as not to irritate the intestines.

Seaweed, mushrooms and soy (in small amounts) also help maintain good health.

Apart from vegetables and fruits, it should also be noted that green tea and dark chocolate are taken into account on the list of anti-cancer foods.

Garlic, turmeric, white meat, shrimp, sea urchins, cod and oysters have also been shown to prevent and also help in the treatment of lung cancer.

Above all, don't exclude meat from your diet.

Indeed, a daily serving of protein is essential to provide you with the minerals and proteins necessary for the reconstruction of your damaged organic tissues.

In any case, it is essential to do everything possible to opt for a varied and balanced diet.

Above all, avoid the consumption of dairy products from sick cows and excessive consumption of industrial sugar in all its forms.

Even fried foods or cooking at very high temperatures are strongly discouraged if you have lung cancer.

Finally, hydrate regularly with water rich in minerals (filtered tap water is often not enough).

Plants to beat lung cancer?

In addition to opting for a healthy and balanced diet, you can also turn to the use of certain plants which have excellent virtues against cancer.

As an illustration, you can opt for the use of artemisinin.

This aromatic plant is very effective in relieving the symptoms of lung cancer.

However, for a quick result, it is important to combine it with iron or graviola.

Some sites claim that this solution effectively kills some of the cancer cells.

Besides this trick, bromelain combined with vitamin C and liposomal added to lapacho (bark), are also very effective remedies for treating tumors.

Dandelion root also has anti-cancer benefits.

This natural alternative helps reduce the risk of lung cancer by damaging tumor cells while keeping healthy ones intact.

With the dried roots and aerial parts of wild chicory, you also have the opportunity to reduce the spread of cells damaged by lung cancer.

You can also use catharanthus roseus to boost your chances of curing lung cancer.

Exercise against lung cancer

As it is known to all, sport is very beneficial in maintaining good health.

It is also an effective weapon in the fight against lung cancer.

Indeed, the regular practice of a physical activity helps you to prevent this disease because the activation of your lungs is very beneficial.

When your lungs get better oxygen, it reduces the risk of development and greatly limits mortality.

If you already suffer from lung cancer, it is therefore advisable to exercise for about 30 minutes on a sporting activity that you feel comfortable with.

This can be slow to moderate walking, stretching or light weight training, slow running, core abdominals, etc.

It doesn't matter which type you choose as long as it activates your cardiovascular system and therefore the ventilation of your lungs.

NOTE: the most important thing will be to always breathe through your nose, whatever activity you choose. It will therefore be necessary to adjust your effort to maintain this crucial nasal breathing.

Note that this will strengthen your respiratory functions and reduce the concentration of carcinogens in your lungs.

So make the effort to move and work your body every day.

This is practical advice that frees you from fatigue, anxiety and improves your quality of life when you have lung cancer.

And finally, in addition to regular physical activity, you can also opt for breathing exercises to work on your lung capacity, but above all to increase your cellular oxygenation.

Thus, you will put all the chances on your side to cure lung cancer.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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