How to slow down your metabolism (hyperthyroidism) ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Having a fast metabolism means that it burns calories quickly, to transform them into energy.

Gaining weight is difficult, and the body can tire quickly.

However, it is possible to influence the rate of metabolism.

How to slow down your metabolism, especially in times of stress? The explanations.

How to slow down your metabolism

How to change the rate of your metabolism?

Each of us is born with a more or less rapid metabolism.

That is to say that the body consumes more or less quickly the calories ingested.

A fast metabolism quickly draws on calories.

As a result, the body stores little fat.

It often needs to be replenished with energy, otherwise it can quickly get tired.

The musculature is poorly developed, and it is difficult to gain mass.

Even though it is natural and genetic, the rate of metabolism can however be influenced by various factors.

The quality of sleep, a more or less balanced diet, eating meals at fixed times or not, can vary the rate of metabolism.

Stress also has a big influence.

The impact of stress on the metabolism

Stress slows down the metabolism.

Stress is a normal natural phenomenon, felt when a situation proves difficult to manage.

To react to such a situation, the body produces a hormone, cortisol, which generates energy, and therefore calories.

The hormone is secreted until the stressful situation is alleviated.

However, stress in very high doses and over the long term is harmful to health.

It is therefore essential to fight it and find appeasement.

Slow down your metabolism and calm your stress through breathing

Breathing is a solution to alleviate stress while slowing down its metabolism.

When breathing follows a normalized rhythm, the body is well oxygenated.

The cells are functioning properly, the air flows circulate unhindered, the muscles and organs find their sufficient resources, the body and mind calm down, stress ebbs away.

The energy circulates, the organism is dynamic, it does not have the feeling of needing to overconsume energy.

The metabolism therefore ends up slowing down.

Normalizing your breathing rate requires controlling your breath, paying close attention to it.

Because breathing is easily disrupted, under the effect of various factors including stress.

It is therefore important to take the appropriate measures to remedy it, to find and maintain a normalized respiratory rate.

Loris Vitry, breathing coach, yoga therapist and designer of intermittent breathing, offers a complete video workshop produced by him and posted online for free.

He presents the issues and impacts of breathing on health.

He also mentions the main dysfunctions that affect breathing and lead to its dysregulation.

Loris Vitry also gives his advice to remedy these dysfunctions, to learn to control his breath in all circumstances and, by extension, to act naturally on his metabolism.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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