How to rise spiritually? The fast lane

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Spirituality is an area that interests more and more people. This is easily explained and it is our friend the Buddha who says it so well: " the greater your suffering, the greater your desire to free yourself from it ".

So spirituality is a world that welcomes many people who have suffered enough to be interested in a different world.

Rise Spiritually

But unfortunately, all of these people who are looking for a way to elevate themselves spiritually are making a terrible mistake!

They reject their old world, the world of chaos, to surrender only to their new spiritual world!

Ultimate TRAP in which we all fall!

But remember one thing and only one: meet God, become strong spiritually, elevate yourself spiritually, spirituality, ALL OF THAT is just a story of Love.

If you reject anything (like your suffering, for example), you are moving away from God. To meet God and truly elevate yourself spiritually, you are going to have to completely embrace and LOVE every world, the world of light as well as that of darkness ...

Let's see a very dark world, considered as hell on Earth, sexuality ...

From physical love to spiritual love

If there is one creative area of ​​suffering on Earth, it is sexuality and love with a little L.

I speak of love with a little a like the one that can make us quickly go from immense love to hate for someone.

Who hasn't already loved unconditionally? his father ? his mother ? his wife ? her husband ? his first love? to then hate him for having made us suffer by abandoning us, by betraying us, by rejecting us, or worse by deceiving us?

But now I'm talking about romantic relationships ...

Now let's talk about sex!

I can no longer count the number of women who develop anger and hatred towards men after having been manipulated, soiled, used as an outlet, in short having been used only as a sexual object ...

I also no longer count the number of men who develop a feeling of hatred and aggression towards women who have mistreated them psychically, emotionally, by breaking their hearts by mean words or actions ...

PS: Whether you are a man or a woman, I strongly advise you to vent your pent-up emotions to live lightly, otherwise you will drag a heavy emotional burden all your life.

In short, love with a little a and the sexuality of the 21st century are the perfect place to generate great suffering!

But, but, but ...

As I told you, rejecting the object of your suffering is the worst thing to do because it always takes you further away from a feeling of absolute Love with a capital L. to rise spiritually, you will have to plunge back into sexuality, into vices, into the world considered as hell on Earth, considered a sin by some religions ... but considered the perfect place to rise spiritually in Tantric Yoga.

But you're going to have to do it with a new state of consciousness. No more bestial physical love imbued with aggressiveness, now we must take a new course: make love spiritually to develop an energy at the service of your spirit and not at the service of suffering.

You will meet the goddess Kali, you will learn to awaken Kundalini ( another name given to Kali) which is also your sexual energy.

But this sexual energy developed within the couple or by being single should not be used to create new suffering, but to develop psychic powers such as happiness, Love or even compassion.

It is neither more nor less than a sexual transmutation that you will initiate to transform your sexual energy into spiritual energy.

It is undoubtedly the fastest way, but also the most dangerous to meet God in person, who is neither more nor less than a universal state of consciousness also called LOVE.

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Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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