How to recover from a physical exhaustion ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Burnout is a phenomenon that more and more people are suffering from.

The state of exhaustion is such that it seems likely to last for a long time, and the situation is inextricable.

However, it is not. How to get out of a burnout and fully recover from it?

How to get out and recover from a burnout

What is burnout?

Burnout occurs when all of the body's energy is burnt.

It is a state of total exhaustion, physical as well as psychological and mental.

The negative emotions are jostling.

It arises after a long period of overwork and stress, mainly in the professional sector.

The burn-out syndrome affects both managers and employees, especially when they are fully involved in their missions, feeling the stakes, and have the achievement of their objectives very seriously.

The increase in pace, responsibilities, objectives, the risk of unemployment are sources of stress, and in the long term, can be involved in the appearance of burnout.

Burn-out, when the entire nervous energy is burnt

Very great fatigue is felt during a burnout.

Motivation is at half mast and the lack of energy is evident.

Warning signs are warning signs, but unfortunately they are often ignored, until the situation clearly escalates.

Motivation runs out of steam while, on the contrary, fatigue increases.

A leave, even of several days, does not improve the feeling of unease.

Besides, the mind stays busy all the time.

Questioning and insomnia happen, as well as a dietary imbalance.

The irritability increases, the nervousness is strong, various ailments occur, such as headache or back pain.

Suffering people also present a real risk of isolation.

However, the sooner the symptoms are identified, the easier it will be to get out of the burnout quickly, without after-effects.

It is also important to be aware of the help that breathing can represent in calming these manifestations.

Breathe to recover from a burnout

Burnout therefore follows a period when the pace of life got carried away.

Body and mind are crying out for a break.

A pause is often associated with breathing.

Many expressions are also devoted to it.

And it turns out that it is indeed essential to take advantage of this forced break to breathe well and to recharge your batteries.

By breathing, the body gets oxygen.

Cells regenerate, organs regain vigor.

Little by little, it influences the mind, motivation returns.

However, it is probable that the rhythm of breathing is out of order before and during the burnout.

It is essential to ensure that you find a coordinated breathing rhythm.

And this involves releasing the blocked diaphragm.

This is the muscle of respiration, which allows the lungs to fill up when inhaling and empty when exhaling air.

Following the advice of Loris Vitry, breathing coach, allows you to quickly relearn the basics of breathing to know how to breathe.

Those delivered in its full video workshop are accessible to all free of charge and easy to understand.

They pave the way for an exit from burnout.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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