How to practice and progress in HIIT?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

What is HIIT?

Intense interval training, supposed to boost your cardio.

How will this sport practice help you and if you become a follower, are there any tips and tricks to improve your level?

How to practice and progress in HIIT

We tell you everything in this article.

What is HIIT?

HIIT: understand High Intensity Interval Training or in French "high intensity interval training".

We alternate very quickly between phases of speeding up and slowing down, so that we can recover and follow up with other very intense sets of exercises.

Why put in the times when we continue the exercise more slowly?

In order not to start the production of lactic acid which impacts the muscles and prevents it from continuing.

HIIT is often considered a fat-burning practice, which is used to lose weight quickly and shape your figure.

This is not the only virtue and one should not focus only on this aspect.

How is a session going?

The total duration of a session may vary depending on your level: it takes between 20 and 30 minutes of training.

You should not exceed 40 minutes, even for very advanced levels.

You can do your own workout, putting on your own faster and slower exercises, or follow the advice of a coach.

Sessions are also offered in sports halls.

The goal is to sufficiently accelerate the heart rate, especially during intense and very intense efforts, and thus be able to gain cardio.

However, this practice is not recommended for people with heart problems.

There are levels, beginner, confirmed, expert, to choose very carefully.

In general, it's a good idea to have some cardio already before you can start.

What exercises are we talking about?

The goal is to stay on fairly intense exercises, otherwise HIIT is of no use.

The course ends therefore being completely tired.

As the sessions progress, you will be able to determine which part of your body needs to work the most (your health above all) and your goals (build muscle, lose belly fat, have better cardio, feel better, lose weight ...) and you will adapt your training or ask to have it adapted.

Outdoors, HIIT at home is a series of bodyweight exercises (knees up quickly for 30 seconds), jumps, jumpings jacks, or even burpees.

Indoors, we use cardio machines (treadmill, rowing machine, bike, elliptical trainer) and then we go on.

Outside we run in phases of 30 seconds to a minute while accelerating, then we walk for 1 minute 30.

Very intense interval racing alternating with skipping rope.

Like any sport, HIIT requires a little patience before showing its effects.

Be regular, diligent and attentive to your body, and soon you will feel a certain lack when you miss a session!

In order to progress, you have to be diligent without getting sick either.

No more than 3 sessions per week.

Adapt your training.

In short, HIIT will help you improve your posture, build muscle, and gain cardio.

Which will help you breathe better.

However, if you have a blocked diaphragm you will have a hard time doing these sessions and in this case it would be a good idea to start with exercises that release it effectively.

And only after that, you will be able to carry out your HIIT sessions without any problem.

So remember to watch this video workshop to discover some wise advice.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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