How to overcome vertigo and fear of heights (acrophobia)?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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Gaining height in the literal sense of the word is not always so easy as you might think.

Vacuum can cause dizziness.

The fear is then felt very intensely, even when the danger is very low.

When the can gets out of hand and out of control, it is called a phobia.

In the case of vertigo and fear of heights, it is precisely acrophobia.

Conquer Vertigo

This situation can have consequences on a daily basis, such as preventing you from taking an elevator or enjoying a balcony, for example.

This phobia is born in the reptilian brain, which apprehends the void as a potential risk of falling which can lead to serious injuries, or even more.

Faced with this notion of danger, the reptilian brain sends warning signals to the body, with symptoms such as palpitations, head spinning, anxiety, tremors ...

Often, this fear arises from a bad experience in the past, such as a fall for example.

The intensity of this traumatic event engraved it in the memory, and the feelings felt were blocked in the reptilian brain, generating the underlying fear which surges when the acrophobe finds himself confronted with a situation of the same order. .

However, acrophobia can be overcome.

How to cure his phobia of heights and his fear of being in heights?

The phobia of emptiness and vertigo can indeed be overcome.

To permanently cure this fear, it is important to allow the release of emotional blockages.

It is a cleansing of the reptilian brain that can lead to this result.

It allows traumas from the past to heal, to be accepted but also to be less intrusive on a daily basis.

By eliminating your emotional blockages, the phobia of the void can be alleviated.

Going through emotional blockade therapy will be of great help in your healing process.

Convenient, it can be followed in the form of self-therapy for the detox of the reptilian brain.

Yoga therapist and breathing coach, I help you access your reptilian brain through self-therapy to release emotional blockages.

Through a complete program, entitled "Detox Emotions" and based on a yoga method of trembling, your dizziness and your fear of heights will noticeably decline.

Your reptilian brain will be cleansed and able to better manage emotions when faced with height situations.

For a detailed presentation of “Detox Emotions”, I offer a free video workshop.

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Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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