How to overcome the fear of spiders ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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Although they are mostly small and harmless in France, spiders carry the greatest fears, from simple disgust to phobia.

We are talking about arachnophobia.

It is the most common phobia among all those that exist. And there are many.

Fear of Spiders

The fear of the spider is not only about its appearance.

His ability to squeeze everywhere and his speed to move refer to the feeling of not having control.

This fear of losing control is reinforced by the fact that the spider is an animal that most people don't know the way of life.

The fact of seeing her evolve in dusty places sends back to the fear of falling ill.

The risk of biting, small but existing, also contributes to the negative image of spiders.

Often times, the person who develops a phobia of spiders has had a bad experience with one of these specimens.

To have been surprised by a spider located in a place where one did not expect to see it or to have been bitten for example, are experiences which can generate the phobia.

Whatever the trigger, the emotions felt upon the occurrence of the event echoed through the psyche like a shock.

The mind struggled to assimilate and deal with them, and an emotional block formed.

From that moment on, the reptilian brain assimilated spiders as dangerous.

It reactivates these tumultuous emotions every time the phobic is in the presence of a spider.

However, it is possible to overcome your fear of spiders.

How to overcome your phobia and disgust with spiders?

Documenting and learning about spiders, their way of life, their reactions, is interesting, because it helps to feel more able to control the situation during an encounter with a spider.

But that is not enough to cure a phobia.

To overcome his phobia and disgust with spiders, it is necessary to release emotional blockages.

To succeed, it is necessary to access your reptilian brain and to clean it in depth, to detoxify it.

As a breathing coach and yoga therapist, I designed a complete program whereby access to the reptilian brain and its cleansing in the manner of a detox cure is made possible.

This complete program, “Detox Emotions”, is based on sequences of yoga postures of the tremor.

The process is therefore natural, and it is for everyone.

I present the “Detox Emotions” program in detail in my free video workshop.

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Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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