How to overcome the fear of MRI (claustrophobia) ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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MRI is a completely painless and life-saving health exam.

This screening tool indeed allows a precise diagnosis, allowing adapted measures.

However, this examination is often dreaded and some patients suffer from a real phobia of MRI.

Overcome the fear of MRI

More than the examination as such, the phobia relates to noise, the fear of the diagnosis, but above all on the feeling of confinement that the device provides.

Its presentation in the form of a long tube is often feared.

Space is limited, immobility is required.

Impossible to get out without the intervention of the technician.

The claustrophobes feel great discomfort there, with the sensation of suffocation, palpitations ...

Some simply refuse to have an MRI, at the risk of jeopardizing their health.

This fear of MRI, and more generally of confinement and confined spaces, most often goes back to a bad experience in the past of the phobic person.

This could be for example the fact of having already had an MRI which would have gone badly or whose diagnosis would have been difficult.

The emotions felt then got stuck in the reptilian brain, which interprets the MRI as a risk factor.

However, it is possible to overcome your fear of MRI and regain the possibility of accessing this useful treatment.

How to cure your phobia of MRI when you are claustrophobic?

Talking about your phobia to the health professionals who give the exam is very important.

They will take your fears into account and find words to relax you.

Some establishments have less closed MRI machines, you may be able to benefit from this service.

However, it is not widespread in all establishments.

It is therefore important to take action to cure your phobia of MRI when you are claustrophobic.

Releasing emotional blockages by cleaning and detoxifying the reptilian brain turns out to be a solution to implement to overcome his fear.

The reptilian brain can then be re-educated to consider MRI safe.

To progress at your own pace and without constraint, this process can be carried out by self-therapy.

As a yoga therapist and breathing coach, I support you in your process of healing your phobia of MRI and claustrophobia.

My complete program "Detox Emotions" is based on the natural technique of yoga, whose sequence of precise postures gives access to the reptilian brain to detoxify it from blocked emotions.

I'll tell you more in the free video workshop on “Detox Emotions”.

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Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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