How to overcome the fear of cats (ailurophobia) ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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Many families have chosen to adopt a cat.

He was even a sacred animal in ancient Egypt.

The caresses given to these majestic and independent little felines like their purrs are more and more recognized for their soothing effects.

But for some people, the cat is a formidable animal, which makes them feel extreme anguish, a fear that can go as far as a phobia.

We speak of ailurophobia.

Fear of Cats

The fear of cats relates to one or more aspects of the animal.

Cat hair can be allergenic and their fur can contain parasites, as can soiled litter. The cat can thus be associated with the fear of getting sick. In addition, the cat is very independent animal. His autonomous behavior refers to the fear of losing control.

Often times, it is a bad experience with a cat that is the source of the phobia.

For example, having grown up in contact with an ailurophobic person can lead to reproducing the irrational and uncontrolled behavior.

Being bitten or scratched may have left such a bad memory that emotions got stuck in the reptilian brain.

Which means that each time a cat is approaching, fear reappears, as intense as on the first day.

Whatever the degree of his fear of cats, it is possible to get rid of them and finally live better in their presence.

How to cure your phobia of cats?

Talking with cat owners, especially those you come into contact with, can reassure you that they are nearby.

The same goes by learning more about their habits and behavior in general, by consulting documentaries.

But to cure your phobia of cats, it is necessary to get rid of the emotional blockages that clutter the reptilian brain and constantly rekindle this fear in the presence of the animal.

To do this, it suffices to thoroughly cleanse the reptilian brain.

It is only after this process that the cure of the phobia of cats can be effective.

As a yoga therapist and breathing coach, I have worked on my own program to release emotional blockages: “Emotions Detox”.

It allows access to the reptilian brain to detoxify it.

Based exclusively on yoga postures of trembling, he offers each phobic ready to do work on himself to heal his fears.

Meet me in my free video workshop for a detailed presentation of my complete “Detox Emotions” program.

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Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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