How to increase your IQ by breathing better?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Intelligence is something that comes both from abilities given at birth, but also from work done every day.

Knowledge can therefore evolve, and this thanks to breathing.

Measuring IQ

The intelligence quotient, commonly abbreviated IQ, is the result of a psychometric test.

It does not specifically demonstrate intelligence, but it does give a quantitative indication of an individual's intellectual capacity and reasoning.

How to increase your IQ by breathing better

The calculation of this IQ is an idea of ​​the German psychologist William Stern at the beginning of the 19 th century in order to see which pupils are in difficulty and to give them special support.

It is now measured by a psychologist.

The average intelligence quotient is determined to be 100.

If an individual achieves a result below 90, they will be considered to have lower intellectual capacities compared to individuals of their age.

If his results are above 110, his abilities are considered to be above people his age.

Progress with simple things

It is possible to improve your intelligence quotient.

In particular, we can distinguish several factors to work on such as reasoning, memorization abilities, pure knowledge.

The experiences we have in our life help develop our intelligence by developing many of our abilities.

Increasing your IQ can then go through small, simple things to do in your daily life.

Reading, and games such as crossword puzzles and sudoku help develop memory and thinking skills.

Open-mindedness and listening to music are also things that can boost your intellectual capacities.

Sport is also a good way to progress in terms of intelligence because it is an activity that frees your mind and removes negative thoughts.

A healthy and balanced diet will also allow you to provide all the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

This will therefore ensure that learning is perceived as easier.

Increase your IQ through breathing

The brain, like the whole body, depends on a good level of oxygen.

If it is not properly oxygenated, it will not be able to use all the faculties at its disposal.

However, bad breathing will lead to dysfunctions that will disturb your intelligence and your abilities.

Indeed, breathing difficulties will cause the body to use its reserves to supply the oxygen necessary for proper functioning.

This therefore deprives the brain of the energy necessary to enhance memorization or thinking skills.

It is possible that a feeling of ill-being, linked to a lack of intelligence or stress for example, could disturb your breathing and in particular your diaphragm.

This muscle has a key role in the respiratory phenomenon.

It is essential that this organ is properly relaxed in order to function properly.

Loris Vitry is a yoga therapist who has worked on the concept of intermittent breathing.

He has developed a video workshop which is free and which helps to better understand breathing.

Thanks to clear explanations and detailed exercises, it will allow you to release your diaphragm.

Her advice will help you feel better.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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