How to increase red blood cells (hemoglobins)?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Every cell in our body needs oxygen to function. This oxygen enters the body through the lungs. Oxygen molecules are carried in the blood by hemoglobin (red blood cells).

How to increase red blood cells

In most people, the oxygen saturation of hemoglobin is around 97%.

This means that every cell in our body can be supplied with oxygen to a great extent.

The oxygen is used up in the cells and the waste CO2 and H2O must then leave our body, at least to some extent.

It seems that CO2 plays an important role in the blood during its stay in our body.

How do red blood cells work in our body?

We often talk about and value the oxygen supply during breathing.

Of course, our cells also need this oxygen, as well as glucose, for combustion.

But there is also another very important thing in our blood, CO2 (carbon dioxide).

We often call it waste. Carbon dioxide enters our body when we exhale.

But if it is still present in your body, then it is very important.

You need CO2 to absorb oxygen from your blood.

CO2 causes the release of oxygen from red blood cells or hemoglobin and can thus travel from the cell to an organ such as the heart, liver, intestines and kidneys.

Carbon dioxide allows our smooth muscle tissue to relax around the veins.

You also have smooth muscle tissue around the bronchi, trachea, and intestines.

CO2 acts as a "vascular solvent".

But stress and tension can cause the muscles around the veins to contract and reduce blood flow.

When you make sure that the CO2 value in your blood starts to rise, you relax smooth muscle tissue.

This allows your blood to circulate better.

You also warm up, finished the excessive chilliness, everything flows better.

Oxygen enters your tissues "more efficiently".

Diaphragmatic breathing to increase hemoglobin

For most people, two minutes of rapid breathing or hyperventilation are sufficient to reduce blood flow throughout the body including the brain.

The blood supply to our brain decreases in proportion to the reduction in carbon dioxide in the blood.

This allows the diameter of the blood vessels to decrease by 50% and reduce blood flow.

For these reasons, it is important to breathe through the diaphragm as much as possible.

Diaphragmatic breathing is considered to be more complete than chest breathing due to better oxygen supply.

The majority of the lung volume is involved in the process.

This breathing is common in men, and I can teach you that.

It is easy to learn since there is a method to develop the necessary skills.

Whether it is worth learning or not is up to everyone to decide, but it is abdominal breathing that provides the body with the necessary oxygen.

This is why learning to breathe is improving your health.

Take a fundamental step in achieving psychophysical well-being by managing fatigue, stress and emotions.

Come and discover this method, a journey for all, which improves your quality of life in all its aspects.

If you are master of your breath, you are master of your body, you are master of your mind, and you are master of your life.

So ? Do you want to improve your breathing technique to decrease stress and increase hemoglobin in your body?

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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