How to increase and strengthen your immune system?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Immune defenses are a guarantee of our health.

They allow us to fight against bacteria and other viruses.

If we naturally have immune defenses, it is possible to boost them.

How to increase and strengthen your immune system? The solution.

How to increase and strengthen your immune system

The immune system, guarantor of our health

The immune system is defined as the defense system of our body.

It is a kind of alliance between our organs, our cells and internal substances of the body.

The immune system communicates with the nervous system, the cardiovascular system and the endocrine system, to optimize its function.

Faced with an attack, the immune system may respond more or less quickly.

However, it is possible to boost it, increase and strengthen its defenses.

Indeed, certain defenses are present from our birth and are mobilized regardless of the type of enemy to fight: virus, bacteria ...

Other defenses are acquired however later.

Immune defenses, many and varied

The reactions of the immune system are many and varied, and the faster they occur, the more effective they will be in fighting disease.

Simple measures allow the proper functioning of the immune system.

Having good hygiene, but not excessive, helps to preserve the skin, which is a natural barrier.

Eating healthy and balanced also allows you to find the essential nutrients to maintain good health, and to have enough energy to fight against attacks.

Regular physical activity also contributes to this as well as a work of liberation of negative emotions.

Finally, breathing is an essential factor in strengthening the immune defenses.

The solution to strengthen the immune system

Respiration plays an essential role, because it is this which allows cells to perform their function correctly, to properly oxygenate the body.

The cells indeed transport oxygen throughout the body, for the blood, organs and muscles to see their needs are substantial.

An essential condition for the flow of air and energy to circulate freely is that the diaphragm is released.

Otherwise, blockages will cause dysfunction, and immune barriers will become tight.

And for a freed diaphragm, it is important to have normalized breathing.

Because if the breath is out of order, the oxygenation will be too much or not enough, which also generates dysfunctions.

However, breathing is often deregulated, due to various factors: stress, emotional shock, physical shock …

It is possible to work on your breathing, to find a perfect rhythm and to strengthen the immune system.

To achieve this goal, the advice of Loris Vitry, breathing coach and yoga therapist, is particularly useful.

Founder of the concept of intermittent breathing, he has long studied the different breathing techniques and their impact on health.

In his complete and free video workshop available online, he points out the 7 main errors that impact the respiratory rate and lead to a blocked diaphragm.

It accompanies its demonstration with useful and easy to integrate advice, to remedy this dysfunction simply and durably.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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