How to improve your breath (cardio respiratory endurance)?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Increasing cardio-respiratory endurance allows any human being to perform physical efforts over very long periods of time.

Improving your breath really gives you the opportunity to push your limits, and can come in handy in many other circumstances.

How to go about it then?

How to improve your breath cardio respiratory endurance

Start with progressive training

To improve your breath, it is very important to exercise regularly.

In order for these sports exercises to really reach your goal, you must follow a specific process.

If you are not used to exercising, it is recommended that you start slowly.

This actually allows you to avoid muscle pain (injury in the worst case) and to prepare your body for longer and more intense efforts.

To achieve this, do cardio training at least 3 times a week, for about 30 minutes.

Start with low-intensity exercise, such as walking.

Choose a gentle sporting activity that does not "race" your heart.

Increase your heart rate

Once the previous step has been maintained with ease for at least 1 month, you can then start by stimulating your heart rate.

It must be said that sports fans can start directly with this phase.

Here, it will be a question of performing exercises which will certainly be short, but more intense.

For example, continue your walking sessions 3 times a week for 30 minutes to 1 hour each.

But inside these sessions, you add mini sprints of 10 to 30 seconds maximum.

You don't have to go 100%, it's just a matter of running at high speed for 100 meters.

NOTE: be careful not to fall. For this, choose a safe flat ground.

Then resume your slow walk quietly.

Once you have regained your breath and feeling good, sprint again for 10 to 30 seconds.

At the start, you can do 1 sprint every 10 minutes, or 5 sprints in an hour (the first ten minutes serve as a warm-up).

Increase the difficulty level

As long as your body is sufficiently ready with the previous intensity, you can now take the next step.

This will include trying to push your limits and subject your body to more intense efforts.

To achieve this, you have a few well-designed sports exercises for this kind of challenge.

The split

This is exactly the same principle as for the previous training, but now you will reduce recovery times.

Made of alternating between very fast races and recovery phases, the interval training is therefore a sporting exercise that allows you to improve your MAS (maximum aerobic speed).

To do this, you will be asked to do for example a sprint for 30 seconds followed by 30 seconds of recovery by walking or running slowly.

Performed on a regular basis (on average 3 times / week), this exercise will allow you to considerably increase your cardio-respiratory endurance.

For great results, remember to increase the difficulty by changing the training grounds.

You can do your sprints on a flat athletic field, or use sloping grounds to increase the intensity.

It is also a training widely used by Cristiano Ronaldo to be one of the fastest footballers in the world.

Running (speed endurance)

In the same vein, you can also run and more precisely run for speed and endurance.

To be successful in such an exercise, you need to start with a brief warm-up.

Then run at a constant speed for 1 km.

After this distance, sprint at full speed for about 200 meters.

Intensity and endurance work are really different than interval training.

The skipping rope

You can also increase your cardio-respiratory endurance by jumping rope.

Very playful, it will give you the opportunity to achieve your goal without even leaving your house.

To get the most benefit from it, you will need to vary the active time and shorten the recovery time.

You can start with one-minute, 20-second break sessions, then move on to 5 minutes with about 15 seconds of rest.

Especially avoid doing this exercise when you have bare feet to avoid injury to the arch of the foot.

As for skipping rope, specialists in the field recommend doing it at least once a day and for at least 15 minutes.

Apart from these physical exercises, you can also improve your breath by swimming, cycling, etc.

Eat healthy and balanced to properly manage your energy reserves

To prevent all your efforts from being wasted, or worse from exhausting your endocrine nervous system, it is strongly recommended that you eat a healthy and balanced diet.

These are the foods that will actually give you all the energy you need to be successful in all your endurance exercises, but it is especially the diet that will allow you a good recovery.

In the same vein, you also have to think about managing your energy reserves by having several meals throughout the day in order to provide your body with all the nutrients to become very enduring.

So don't hesitate to contact specialists in the field to find out more and adopt good lifestyle habits.

Here is a few words about what you can do to increase your cardio-respiratory endurance.

The secret to having more breath?

All athletes know these workouts in interval training, cross-country running, weight training, etc.

But very few have mastered the power of breathing to seriously raise oxygen levels.

Some people hack their bodies by going to train at altitude before a competition in order to have a maximum of red blood cells, which allows them to boost their endurance for a few weeks.

But the real secret is to control your breathing thanks to certain anaerobic exercises, that is to say without oxygen.

Fartlec training

The fartlek is a technique to improve your breath and increase your cardio respiratory endurance.

The fartlek is a sports training where you will alternate periods of sprinting (in anaerobic without oxygen) and periods of recovery (in aerobic with oxygen).

So far, nothing new, but you will do it in a free or codified way and most often in Nature.

For example, you will sprint on a light slope, then recover on a descent, reprinted on a difficult slope, walk on a light slope, in short, you follow your body and you push it according to your instincts.

But where the fartlek is interesting is that it is also used during apnea training where the sprint is replaced by an anaerobic phase in apnea.

Intermittent breathing

Intermittent breathing is a technique that consists of alternating phases of normal breathing (aerobic) with apneas (anaerobic).

You have several types of Intermittent Breathing training (constant, cyclic, interval, ultimate).

They are perfectly detailed in the ebook that you will find on the website.

But this intermittent breathing technique is absolutely powerful because you can literally boost your cardio while sitting at home.

Everything takes place internally, with a very precise apnea game, in order to increase your breath and your VO2max.

Be careful though! Like the interval exercises, you must be very vigilant when applying intermittent breathing, because despite practiced or in excess, it leads straight to burnout and exhaustion of the nervous system.


Voila, now you have all the keys to boost your endurance and increase your breath.

The key will be progressiveness and proper technique to avoid injury, fatigue and burnout.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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