How to get rid of obsessive-compulsive thoughts?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Obsessive thoughts can be represented by images or voices that invade your mind that you can't seem to free yourself from and get rid of.

They are present in your mind and these intrusive thoughts prevent you from thinking of other things or even concentrating.

Obsessive Thoughts

This type of thought is very harmful because it can be a sign of the onset of depression.

It is for this reason that it is very important to be able to free oneself from it.

Indeed, they can bring us such anxieties that we become unable to do anything else.

Depending on the degree of importance of your obsessive thoughts, this can lead to several more or less serious problems.

Indeed, you become more anxious, anxious and stressed, you doubt yourself, you think you are going crazy, etc.

How to get rid of intrusive and unwanted thoughts?

First of all what is important to know is that you are not the only one having such haunting thoughts.

But that doesn't mean you should let them persecute you, either.

In order to be able to get rid of them, you have to start by knowing where they come from and trying to understand why you have these negative and intrusive thoughts.

In most cases, it comes from a great emotional shock, a stressful situation that you can no longer handle.

Once you have successfully completed this first step, you must learn to put things into perspective.

By making a realistic assessment of this problem, you will find that you can get rid of it.

In addition, it is a very important first step in getting yourself out of these dark thoughts.

It is possible to do the technique of projection which consists of returning your mind to other positive thoughts at the moment when obsessive thoughts resurface.

Of course, don't think you're going to get there effortlessly.

Quite the contrary, it is complicated but when you succeed then you will have come a long way.

To get there, you have to be able to focus on something positive that makes you smile.

The goal being to teach your brain to concentrate on something else, it is interesting to have a hobby, an activity that you like to do.

It could be playing sports, reading, doing crafts, or some other manual activity.

Another point, it is good to bring positive thoughts to your brain and for that it is essential to watch TV (animal document or on the trip) or to read a book which are related to spirituality or personal development.

You have to give your brain positive things.

How to breathe to calm your obsessive-compulsive thoughts?

As we have in this article, obsessive thoughts are the result of a stressful life, strong negative emotion, etc.

To succeed in getting out of it, you have to start at the beginning, that is to say relax and release the pressure to release your stress.

The best thing to do in this kind of situation is therefore to breathe well because it helps our mind to release stress.

For that, it is therefore necessary to have the right technique to be able to unblock the diaphragm.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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