How to cure social phobia quickly (blemmophobia)?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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Before wanting to cure your social phobia, you have to start by explaining it, understanding it.

Indeed, all these disorders are always linked to a psychological problem that must be understood and the most important is to agree to fight it.

Social Phobia

In society, some people are more comfortable than others because they have more self-confidence.

The latter for example have no fear of speaking in public whereas for you, who suffer from a social phobia, it is very complicated.

You have so little self-confidence that you never dare to speak out in front of others and even worse, just talk to them, communicate and express yourself in private.

But first of all, we must already start by becoming aware of this social phobia and most importantly accept it.

This is already the first phase to be able to treat this phobia.

Our reptilian brain remembers certain difficult moments that were a real trauma for the individual.

In a specific situation, the brain will reflect this phase of our life and this completely unconsciously.

However, we must make the difference between being shy and reserved, from being afraid of speaking in public and having a social phobia.

It is quite normal to have fear (slight anxiety) when you have to express yourself in an unusual and especially important situation such as a job interview, a romantic date, new colleagues at work.

But we can speak of social phobia when there is an abnormal and irrational fear, where there is nothing in particular that prevents us from being calm and expressing ourselves.

For example, during a family meal or an evening with friends.

In this case, there are no strangers so no apparent reason to have this fear.

What natural treatment to overcome blemmophobia?

In order to naturally treat this social phobia (blemmophobia) and therefore gain self-confidence, you must start by trying to understand where this problem comes from and do-self-therapy.

Moreover, this is valid for most psychological disorders which are often linked to childhood, education or a specific event which is kept in our unconscious brain.

Once this has been defined well, then you will be able to heal more easily because you will be ready to fight against this social fear.

For this, I offer you a video workshop that offers a quick and definitive natural alternative treatment to help you get out of this social disorder that prevents you from being happy and having a private and professional life. normal.

Through various methods, yoga exercises and other breathing techniques, I will just make you gain confidence in yourself.

Thus, if you respect the various alternative instructions well, you will quickly realize that your social phobia can disappear.

All these emotional liberation techniques are made to allow you to release your negative emotions and evacuate this trauma that holds you back when you have to leave your home, meet strangers, speak in public or on a date gallant or a family meal.

You are going to learn how to remove all your brakes, your shyness, the fear of doing wrong or others.

Thus, your social phobia will be a bad memory and you will finally be able to move forward serenely in your life.

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Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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