How to breathe better during pregnancy?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Respiration is defined as a set of gas exchanges characterized by the inspiration and expiration of air.

Considered the key to relaxation and well-being, breathing is a very important factor to take into account during pregnancy.

In fact, in pregnant women, mastering this process makes it possible to oxygenate the uterine muscle and avoid the feeling of shortness of breath, but especially to prepare for breathe well during childbirth.

How to breathe better during pregnancy

However, to breathe better during pregnancy, it is necessary to resort to certain precise techniques and methods.

Increase your breathing capacity

Starting in the second trimester of your pregnancy, you will tend to get short of breath and you will have more difficulty practicing basic breathing techniques.

This advice will therefore allow you to breathe more easily and increase your lung capacity.

To increase your breathing capacity, you can do the following:

  • stand up, place your hands on each side of your thighs
  • inhale very slowly while gradually lifting the arms outstretched towards the ears
  • then, exhale slowly, bringing your arms towards your thighs

Before repeating the exercise, take a light break with empty lungs.

The most important thing is to go very slowly, but also to breathe with your diaphragm which will massage your baby.

It all has to be done smoothly.

Adopt a lying position

To breathe better during your pregnancy, remember to lie down frequently.

You can start practicing this exercise as early as the second month of pregnancy to promote better breathing.

To implement this method, first think about lying down and keeping your back flat over the entire length of the spine.

Then bend your legs so that they form a right angle, then put them on the seat of a chair or on a ball to elevate them.

Then place your hands under your breasts and on the ribs so that you can feel the movements of your diaphragm.

Inhale lightly through your nose, then let go of the exhale.

The goal is to breathe WITHOUT moving your rib cage under your hands.

You will need to practice maintaining a diaphragmatic breathing which you will allow you to manage your stress well and to remain calm and serene.

The secret: Learning to let go of the exhale

The real secret for a pregnant woman, whether she is 1 month to 9 months old near childbirth, will be to learn to let go.

And breathing is a great tool for learning to relax by letting go.

It will be enough to concentrate on the exhalation.

When you are going to breathe out, make the sound vocally or mentally: Ahhhhhhhh

Exactly as if you were on vacation: AAHHhhhhh (I'm on vacation)

This relief sound will allow you to relax your whole body almost instantly.

Each of your exhalations must then retain this feeling of freedom, lightness and vacation.

By breathing to let go, you will feel like you are constantly on vacation, even though life continues to be active around you.

Stay hydrated and choose certain foods

Dehydration is also one of the main causes of a breathing disorder during pregnancy because it causes acidification of the blood.

NOTE: Too much of co2 can harm your body (in good quantity, it is vital).

Indeed, according to several scientific studies, the lungs need to be humidified to better absorb oxygen and reject carbon dioxide.

To breathe better, be sure to hydrate yourself regularly with water rich in minerals.

Besides, certain foods are very essential to improve breathing during pregnancy.

These include vegetables and fruits such as apples and bananas.

However, avoid all vegetables with too much fiber as this can create intestinal discomfort.

In conclusion, breathe better during pregnancy, do not hesitate to use the advice and techniques mentioned in this guide, as well as healthy and moisturizing food.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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