How to become strong spiritually?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Spirituality is only interesting when you taste its flavor, when you begin to reap the fruits of the seeds sown long before.

But before we get there, a long road awaits us!

Not only is it a long way, but a path often without interest, dangerous, without pleasure, without reward until the day when ...

We begin to develop sidis, term given by yogis to designate spiritual powers!

And there, spirituality takes on its full meaning ...

Become Strong Spiritually

How to become spiritual and be awake?

But before becoming strong spiritually, one must already start as an apprentice.

Before you become a master, you must first start out on the path as a simple little beginner.

The first step is to know how to become spiritual, how to be awake, how to open and expand your field of consciousness.

This step is the easiest, just read the millions of articles and books that exist on the subject.

You will start to cultivate a state of mind, an attitude, a behavior towards yourself but also towards others.

Your goal will be to do good, to do yourself good, but also to do good around you.

In truth, it's a little more nuanced because rather than trying to do good, you will ESPECIALLY learn NOT to do bad.

Because on the path of spirituality, you will discover that God is everywhere, God is in everything.

In other words, happiness and love are truly in every living being on this Earth!

But to become spiritual and be awake ... you have to realize that there is something that veils this absolute state of consciousness! Suffering !

The Buddha said it himself: " to be happy, you just have to stop suffering ".

Rather than seeking to do good, to be kind, to be compassionate, to do this or that, ask yourself the question: " what am I currently doing that prevents me from being totally happy? what am I doing that creates suffering in others? "

Think carefully and you will realize all the pain you are causing by your behavior and thoughts.

At the beginning it can be very confusing and create a form of guilt, but it is a trap, because as Jesus himself says: " God forgives everything " and he obviously forgives you for your lack of conscience.

That doesn't mean you have to continue ...

Anyway, when you realize it, it's hard to do harm with full awareness!

In other words, you are already perfect, but your absolute happiness is veiled by the dark side of force, such as your negative mind or your oppressive emotions!

At the start, you have to learn to conquer your fears, to externalize your repressed emotions, and frankly, that will already be a very, very good start ...

How to develop spiritual strength?

Then, once you have started well, that you have cleansed yourself well emotionally such as overcoming shyness for example, you will start to develop your inner strength and increase your spiritual-power.

To become strong spiritually, Life itself will take care of presenting you with challenges.

Meeting these challenges, overcoming the obstacles is in itself a great spiritual journey!

Afterwards, you can also accelerate your spiritual journey by addressing yourself directly to the mother of the worlds, the demonic goddess Kali, the mother of the Universe ... in other words your sexual energy.

To develop spiritual strength quickly and rise spiritually, Tantric Yoga and Taoism have developed powerful techniques to use your sexual energy for spiritual purposes, in order to obtain psychic powers that only Kali (the sexual energy) can offer you.

To become strong spiritually, you will have to take the path of sexual transmutation, a path reserved for courageous people who have the ambition to rub shoulders with the world of the gods, the divine world, or in other words, to experience a very high state of consciousness.

If you want to embark on the path of sexual transmutation, that's good, I have prepared a free video workshop specially on the subject;)

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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