Buteyko breathing method : is it really effective in 2021 ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

The Buteyko method is a breathing technique, which is often offered to people with respiratory infections, including asthma.

It promises a significant improvement in health.

Is the Buteyko breathing method really effective? Presentation and opinion.

Buteyko breathing method

What is Buteyko breathing?

The link has long been established between breathing and health, and several breathing techniques have been identified.

The Buyteko breathing method owes its name to its inventor, Dr Buyteko, a Ukrainian physician.

He focused his work on finding a method that would relieve respiratory infections, including asthma.

The breathing exercises linked to this concept induce restricting the breath, discouraging deep breaths.

The Buyteko method of breathing consists of breathing exclusively through the nose and breathing pauses after exhaling.

This is to keep more Co2 in the body compared to mouth breathing.

It takes the principle of breathing in a paper bag advocated especially during a panic attack with hyperventilation.

An efficient breathing method, but …

Maintaining a portion of Co2 is indeed important and helps relieve certain respiratory pathologies, such as asthma and hyperventilation.

Many people have been relieved by applying the Buteyko Method.

However, the exercises advocated for the application of Buyteko breathing can be extreme.

It is important to respect your limits, under penalty of suffering completely contrary effects to those sought.

In addition, these exercises are strongly discouraged for people suffering from cardiovascular disease or hypertension.

Calm and normalize your breathing

Loris Vitry, breathing coach and yoga therapist, has extensively studied and tested a large number of breathing techniques himself, including the Buyteko method.

He became aware of the effectiveness and the limits of each of them.

Keeping only the best, he was able to condense them to create his own concept, applicable by all: intermittent breathing.

Strongly marked by the Buyteko method, although different, intermittent breathing focuses on normalizing breathing, controlling breathing while releasing the diaphragm tense.

Because the free diaphragm is essential to be able to regulate breathing and derive all the benefits it provides for health.

His one-hour video workshop is available free online.

He gives his recommendations for better breathing, with advice that is easily applicable by all.

His purpose is illustrated by 7 examples of frequent dysfunctions, which can be corrected by applying his concept of intermittent breathing.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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