Allergies and difficulty in breathing : what solutions?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Respiratory allergy or allergic rhinitis is often caused by pollen.

However, it is also possible that it is triggered by mites.

So if you notice a runny nose, itchy eyes and sneezing, know that there are certain solutions to overcome this pathology.

Allergies and difficulty in breathing

Drug treatments

It is the solution most adopted by people who suffer from respiratory allergies.

It appears that drug treatments are effective enough to overcome this pathology (even if the drugs only treat the symptom and not the cause).

If you notice that your nose is starting to sting, it would be better to use a sodium cromoglicate-based spray.

This active ingredient is generally suitable for young children.

It also helps to limit inflammatory reactions and to control allergy optimally.

You can also adopt a spray which is able to deposit a protective film on your nasal lining.

This usually consists of hyaluronic acid and cellulose powder.

It effectively reduces contact with the allergenic substance, such as pollen, mites, dust, etc.

Also, if you notice certain symptoms of allergic rhinitis like sneezing and itchy or runny eyes, it would be best to go for an antihistamine in tablet form.

In this case, the ideal dosage is 1 tablet per day (you must consult your doctor).

It is even possible to access this treatment without a prescription.

However, make sure that the medicine is based on cetirizine.

You can also opt for corticosteroid therapy to counter allergic rhinitis.

It is recommended to perform local actions in the nose when the pathology is more serious and antihistamine treatment is ineffective.

Also keep in mind that treatment for allergic rhinitis can last for several months.

The treatment must therefore be followed very rigorously.

Care should also be taken to treat the pathology quickly to prevent symptoms or allergies from getting worse.

NOTE: even if the medicinal solution exists, it is obviously preferable to resort to 100% natural solutions which we will discuss shortly.

Allergic desensitization

Allergic desensitization is often offered to people who experience great discomfort due to allergy symptoms such as difficulty in breathing.

It may also be recommended for people whose allergen has been identified by skin tests.

However, it is imperative that this treatment be administered and prescribed by an allergist.

It is indeed a very effective immunotherapy technique against mites, pollens of grasses, birches, Ambrose or Cypress.


Homeopathy offers treatments capable of overcoming the allergy that causes respiratory problems.

This more natural therapy is also able to offer you tailor-made treatments to help you quickly get rid of this pathology.

It also offers you a specialty, "Rhin allergy" for the effective treatment of hay fever or allergic conjunctivitis.

However, it has not been possible to test its effectiveness by scientific studies.

However, it is the traditional homeopathic substances that are used by homeopathic doctors.

These treatments are capable of complementing clinical treatments.

However, they cannot be sufficient when the symptoms are severe or the respiratory allergy presents in an acute form.

Acupuncture to treat allergic rhinitis

If you want to turn to acupuncture, it will take between 3 and 6 sessions of 15 to 20 minutes to overcome it.

However, these sessions must be spaced one to two weeks apart for them to be effective.

These consist of putting less than fifteen needles on your face in order to relieve respiratory allergy by decongesting the facial meridians and ENT pathways.

With this treatment, your quality of life should improve optimally, which could significantly reduce symptoms and antihistamine consumption.

Unfortunately, observations show that the effects of this therapy do not last over time.

The use of essential oils

Aromatherapy is not strictly speaking an effective solution against respiratory allergies.

However, it may calm the symptoms of allergic rhinitis.

Indeed, the essential oils of chamomile, rosemary and tarragon are able to calm sneezes.

This allows patients to limit the need for drug treatment.

Ultimately, here are the treatments (more or less natural) that will allow you to put an end to respiratory allergy and breathing difficulties.

In addition, it is advisable to rinse the nose in the morning and in the evening with physiological serum to eliminate impurities (dust, pollution, etc.).

Washing your hair and changing your clothes after you get home are also effective in protecting you from pollens.

This may limit the risk of hay fever and other winter and spring allergies.

Difficult breathing and respiratory allergy: the 100% natural solution

I am going to reveal to you a secret from over 10 years of coaching.

All people with respiratory allergic attacks are people who breathe through their mouths.

None, I mean none of them, breathe correctly, that is to say only through the nose.

When these people talk, walk, play sports, they always breathe through their mouths, outside it is a very big problem because it is precisely the cause of respiratory allergies.

Why ?

Very simple ! All the micro particles contained in the air (pollens, mites, dust, pollution, etc.) enter your lungs directly without going through the "air treatment" box.

The air is filtered in your nose, in your nasal cavities, in particular with the millions of micro cilia that line your nasal cavity, as well as with NO (nitric oxide) which heats the air and purifies it.

You will probably tell me that your nose is blocked, that you have difficulty breathing through your nose?

Obviously, since you never use it ... you only breathe through your mouth!

The ultimate solution to overcoming your allergies, or in any case greatly reducing them, will be to learn to breathe 24 hours a day, second after second, through your nose, through your nostrils.

Breathing through your nose is the first step in good breathing, which immediately cancels out your breathing problems and difficulty breathing through your nose.

Then, for the other stages, the best will be to follow a complete training such as intermittent breathing;)

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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